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মার৩ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

মার৩ : (p. 852) māra3 beating or striking or thrashing or flogging. মার খাওয়া v. to be beaten up or flogged. মার দেওয়া a. to beat, to flog. ̃কাট n. fighting and bloodshed; tumultuous brawl or affray; feverish haste and fuss; higgling. adv. & a. at best. ˜কুটে a. given to beating on slightest pretext. ̃খেকো a. one who is often flogged. ̃ধর n. beating or flogging; beating and arresting (as by the police). ̃পিট n. mutual fighting; fray; an affray, a riot; beating or flogging (esp. excessive). ̃মার কাটকাট n. same as কাট । a. tumultuous, noisily violent, turbulent. ̃মুখো a. about to strike or hurt; aggressive; frightening, threatening, menacing. fem. ̃মুখী̃মূর্তি a. about to strike or hurt; having an aggressive or menacing appearance. n. aggressive or menacing appearance. 151)


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(p. 839) manmatha (myth.) the Hindu god of love (cp. Cupid, Eros). ̃শরাহত a. wounded with the shafts of love; love-sick. 38)
(p. 852) māthā the head; top, summit, crest (পাহাড়ের মাথা); tip (আঙুলের মাথা); end, extremity (পেনসিলের মাথা); a bend, a corner (চৌমাথা); prow (of a boat); brain, intellect (অন্কে বেশ মাথা); a headman, a chief, a leader (গাঁয়ের মাথা); an adviser, a counsellor (সব কূটবুদ্ধির মাথা তিনি). int. denoting: nothing (মাথা করবে). মাথা আঁচড়ানো v. to comb one's hair. মাথা উঁচু করা same as মাথা তোলা । মাথা উড়ানো v. to cut off one's head, to behead. মাথা কাটা যাওয়া v. (fig.) to be greatly ashamed; to be shamefully disgraced. মাথা কোটা v. to strike one's head (esp. repeatedly) against the floor or wall as a violent expression of huff, grief etc. মাথা খাও int. (used as an oath) you will eat my head if you will or will not do this, (cp.) for the love of me, beshrew me. মাথা খাওয়া v. (fig.) to ruin; to spoil; (fig.) to deprave. মাথা খারাপ করা v. (fig.) to chafe, to fret, to lose one's head. মাথা খেলা v. to have aptitude for (অন্কে মাথা খেলে). মাথা খেলানো v. (fig.) to strive to think out; to apply one's mind. মাথা খোঁড়া same as মাথা কোটা । মাথা গরম করা v. (fig.) to get angry. মাথা গরম হওয়া v. (fig.) to get angry; (fig.) to lose one's head; to have one's head turned; to feel giddy. মাথা গলানো v. to enter or pass or force one's head through; to interfere with, to poke one's nose into. মাথা গুঁড়ো করা v. to break one's skull; to dash one's brains out, to brain. মাথা গুনতি করা v. (fig.) to count the number of persons, to count the heads. মাথা গুলিয়ে দেওয়া v. (fig.) to nonplus, to bewilder, to confound. মাথা গুলিয়ে যাওয়া v. (fig.) to be nonplussed or confounded. মাথা গোঁজা v. (fig.) to take shelter somehow or with difficulty. মাথা ঘষা v. (women's) washing the head with soap or shampoo. মাথা ঘামানো see ঘামানো । মাথা ঘোরা v. to feel dizzy or giddy; (fig.) to have one's head turned. মাথা ঘোরানো v. to make one feel dizzy or giddy; (fig.) to turn one's head. মাথা চাড়া দেওয়া v. (fig.) to flourish, to thrive; (fig.) to assert oneself; (fig.) to rise in revolt. মাথা চালা v. to apply one's brain; (fig.) to cogitate. মাথা চুলকানো v. to scratch one's head as a mark of confusion or inability to think out something. মাথা ঠান্ডা করা v. (fig.) to cool down, to cool down one's anger or temper. মাথা ঠান্ডা রাখা v. (fig.) to keep one's head; to remain coolheaded or calm; (fig.) to keep one's countenance. মাথা তোলা v. to raise one's head; to look up; (fig.) to flourish, to thrive; (fig.) to assert oneself; (fig.) to hold one's head; (fig.) to rise in revolt. মাথা দেওয়া v. (fig.) to sacrifice one's life; (fig.) to bother; (fig.) to pay attention to. মাথা ধরা v. to have a headache. মাথা নেওয়া v. (fig.) to behead. মাথা নোয়ানো v. (fig.) to yield (to), to acknowledge the superiority or authority (of). মাথা পেতে নেওয়া v. (fig.) to accept tamely. মাথা বাঁধা দেওয়া, মাথা বিকানো v. (fig.) to enslave oneself (to), to sell one's soul (to); (fig.) to be over head and ears (দেনায় মাথা বিকানো). মাথা মাটি হওয়া v. (fig.) to impair or waste one's intelligence or intellect; (fig.) to become dull-headed or stupid. মাথা হেঁট করা v. to hang down one's head in shame; (fig.) to yield (to), to acknowledge the superiority or authority (of), to humiliate oneself. মাথা হেঁট হওয়া v. (fig.) to lose face, to be disgraced; (fig.) to be put to shame, to be put out of countenance. মাথায় ওঠা same as মাথায় চড়া । মাথায় করা v. (fig.) to honour very highly; (fig.) to fill with uproar. (চেঁচিয়ে বাড়ি মাথায় করা). মাথায় কাপড় দেওয়া v. to veil one's head with a portion of one's loincloth (as done by oriental women). মাথায় খুন চড়া (চাপা) v. to become extremely angry; to get furious, to fly into a towering rage. মাথায় ঘোল ঢালা (fig.) to humiliate (a person). মাথায় চড়া v. (path.) to go up in the brain (বায়ু মাথায় চড়া); (fig.) to take liberties (with) or become audacious (being encouraged by indulgence). মাথায় ঢোকা v. to be comprehensible to, to be understood by; to be seized with a notion or fancy; to be stricken with (মাথায় ভয় ঢোকা); to have a brain-wave (মাথায় নতুন আইডিয়া ঢোকা). মাথায় তোলা v. to give excessive indulgence; to give undue importance; to honour greatly (তাঁকে আমরা মাথায় তুলে রেখেছি). মাথায় রাখা v. (fig.) to treat with great adoration or respect or cordiality or care; (fig.) to abide by or observe with great devotion or care. মাথার উপর কেউ না থাকা v. to have no guardian. মাথার ঘাম পায়ে ফেলা v. (fig.) to sweat and drudge. মাথার ঠাকুর (fig.) a very venerable or dear person. মাথার ঠিক না থাকা v. (fig.) to be nonplussed or confounded; (fig.) to lose one's head. মাথার তালু top of the head, the crown. মাথার দিব্যি a self-imprecatory oath. মাথা নেই তার মাথা ব্যথা (fig.) much ado about nothing. ̃ওয়ালা a. brainy, intelligent. ̃-কামড়ানি n. same as মাথাব্যথা । ̃-খারাপ a. crack-brained; nutty; demented, crazy; lunatic. মাথা-খারাপ লোক a crack-brain; a nutty person; a lunatic. ̃গরম a. short-tempered. মাথা ধরা n. headache. ̃পাগলা same as ̃খারাপ । ̃পিছু, ̃প্রতি adv. per capita. ̃ব্যথা n. headache; (fig.) worry; (fig.) concern; (fig.) responsibility. ̃ভারী a. top-heavy. ̃মুন্ডু n. head or tail (মাথামুন্ডু বুঝতে না পারা = unable to make head or tail). ̃মোটা dull-headed. 68)
(p. 846) masta the head (ছিন্ন মস্তা) a. high, tall, lofty; very large or big, huge; very broad or long; vast extensive; big (মস্ত মামলা); great (মস্ত বীর); eminent (মস্ত লোক); very distinguished, very influential or powerful; very rich or opulent; elevated, noble (মস্ত আদর্শ); of great value (মস্ত কথা); very important (মস্ত প্রশ্ন); very difficult (মস্ত দায়িত্ব); very serious (মস্ত বিপদ); too much (মস্ত জ্বালা); (iron.) scanty, poor (মস্ত দরদ). adv. very (মস্ত বড়ো). 19)
(p. 874) musammata (Mus.) an appellation affixed to the names of Muslim women, (cp.) Miss, Mrs. 41)
(p. 852) mānata a promise to offer a particular sacrifice to a deity on fulfilment of a prayer, a vow. 98)
(p. 882) mōḍ়li the position and function of the headman; (sarcas.) unnecessary bossing, overbearing or masterful manner. 21)
(p. 852) māra3 beating or striking or thrashing or flogging. মার খাওয়া v. to be beaten up or flogged. মার দেওয়া a. to beat, to flog. ̃কাট n. fighting and bloodshed; tumultuous brawl or affray; feverish haste and fuss; higgling. adv. & a. at best. ˜কুটে a. given to beating on slightest pretext. ̃খেকো a. one who is often flogged. ̃ধর n. beating or flogging; beating and arresting (as by the police). ̃পিট n. mutual fighting; fray; an affray, a riot; beating or flogging (esp. excessive). ̃মার কাটকাট n. same as কাট । a. tumultuous, noisily violent, turbulent. ̃মুখো a. about to strike or hurt; aggressive; frightening, threatening, menacing. fem. ̃মুখী । ̃মূর্তি a. about to strike or hurt; having an aggressive or menacing appearance. n. aggressive or menacing appearance. 151)
(p. 879) mēni (in endearment) a puss, a pussycat. ̃মুখো a. bashful, shy; effeminate (esp. in speech). 32)
(p. 866) mitra a friend; a boon companion; an ally; the sun. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. friendship; boon companionship; alliance. ̃দ্রোহ n. hostility or treachery to one's friend or ally or party. ̃দ্রোহী a. hostile or treacherous to one's friend or ally or party. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী । ̃ভেদ n. estrangement of friends of allies, (chiefly pol.) disintegration of a party. ̃লাভ n. act or an instance of obtaining a new friend. 6)
(p. 864) māstula a mast (of a ship). 28)
(p. 863) mālabhūmi plateau, a table-land. 11)
(p. 831) matkartṛka by me. 19)
(p. 864) māsaśāśuḍ়i a sister or a cousin-sister of one's mother-in-law, an aunt-in-law. 21)
(p. 839) mara mortal; perishable. ̃জগত্ n. the perishable or mortal world; the earth. ̃জীবন n. mortal life. ̃দেহ n. the perishable body, the mortal frame. ̃মানব n. mortal man, a mortal. 54)
(p. 874) mumukṣu desirous of salvation. 19)
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