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দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 143) u the fifth vowel of the Bengali alphabet. 2)
(p. 143) un̐ki a peep; a prying; a furtive glance. ̃ঝুঁকি n. (frequent or repeated) peeping and prying. উঁকিঝুঁকি মারা v. to peep and pry (frequently or repeatedly), to look and peer about inquisitively. উঁকি দেওয়া, উঁকি মারা v. to peep; to look shyly or furtively or surreptitiously; to begin to appear; to put in first appearance shyly or furtively. 6)
(p. 143) un̐ki2 a hiccup; retching. উকি তোলা v. to hiccup; to retch. 12)
(p. 143) un̐cakapālē having a protuberant or bulging or convex forehead (such a forehead indicates luck in case of men, but ill-luck in case of women); fortunate (in case of women: unfortunate). fem. উঁচকপালি । 7)
(p. 143) un̐cu high, elevated, tall, lofty; exalted, noble (উঁচু মন); loud; rough (উঁচু কথা). উঁচু করা v. to raise; to elevate. উঁচানো v. to raise, to elevate. n. raising. a. raised. উঁচু-নিচু a. high and low; undulating, uneven. 8)
(p. 143) um̐hu expressing: unwillingness, nonacceptance, bashfulness, slight pain. 9)
(p. 143) uḥ expressing: pain, amazement, impatience, derision, disgust etc. 5)
(p. 143) ui white ant, termite (also উই পোকা). ̃চারা, ̃ঢিপি, ̃ঢিবি n. an ant-hill. উই লাগা v. to get attacked with white ants. ̃ধরা, ̃লাগা a. attacked with or eaten up by white ants. 3)
(p. 143) uila a written document directing the disposal of one's effects at death, a will, a testament. উইল করা v. to draw up a will, to will, to bequeath. 4)
(p. 143) ukaḍ়ā parched paddy coated or sweetened with sugar or molasses. 10)
(p. 143) ukāra the symbol 'ু' affixed to a consonant whilst adding the উ-sound to it. উকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with উ or উ-sound. উকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in উ or উ-sound. 11)
(p. 143) ukila a pleader, an advocate; a lawful or legal representative; (facet. or derog.) a supporter. উকিল দেওয়া, উকিল লাগানো v. to engage a pleader. উকিল হওয়া v. to take up the profession of a pleader; to be a pleader; to act as a pleader for, to plead for; to advocate; to support. উকিলি a. of or like a pleader (উকিলি বুদ্ধি). 13)
(p. 143) ukuna the louse (pl. lice). 14)
(p. 143) ukta said, mentioned; aforesaid, aforementioned. উক্ত থাকা, উক্ত হওয়া v. to be said or mentioned. 15)
(p. 143) ukti speech; a saying, an apophthegm; a statement; a pronouncement. ̃প্রত্যুক্তি n. statement and counter-statement, bandying of words; mutual recrimination. 16)
(p. 143) ukhaḍ়ānō to uproot, to extirpate. n. extirpation. a. uprooted. 17)
(p. 143) ukhā1 a dixie or cooking-pail usually with a concave bottom; an oven. 18)
(p. 143) ukhā2 a file, a rasp. উখা দিয়ে ঘষা v. to file; to rasp. 19)
(p. 143) ukhi dandruff, scurf. 20)
(p. 143) ugarānō to disgorge, to belch out, to eruct, to vomit, to spew; (fig.) to be compelled to confess or give back. n. disgorgement, belching out, eructation, vomiting or spewing. a. disgorged, belched out, eructed, vomited, spewed. চোরাই মাল উগরানো to be compelled to give back stolen goods. পরীক্ষার খাতায় উগরানো to write down mechanically in an answer-paper what has been crammed. পেটের কথা উগরানো to be compelled to give out or confess secrets. 21)
(p. 143) ugra violent; cruel; rough, harsh (উগ্র কথা); haughty; angry, wrathful, hot (উগ্র স্বভাব); severe, fierce (উগ্র তেজ); sharp, pungent, strong (উগ্র শব্দ, উগ্র গন্ধ, উগ্র বিষ). ̃কন্ঠ, ̃স্বর a. harsh-and-angry-voiced, raucous. ̃কন্ঠে, ̃স্বরে adv. in a harsh and angry voice, in a rough or rude voice, raucously. ̃কর্মা a. one who performs terrible or cruel deeds. ̃ক্ষত্রিয় n. the Aguri. ̃চণ্ডা, ̃চণ্ডী n. fem. an appellation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) when conceived as the goddess of wrath; a termagant woman, a termagant, a shrew. ̃গন্ধী a. strongscented. ̃তপা a. practising severe penance or asceticism. ̃তা n. violence; cruelty; roughness, harshness; haughtiness; anger, wrath, heat; severity, fierceness; sharpness. ̃দর্শন a. angrylooking, of fierce looks, of a stern and forbidding appearance. fem. উগ্রদর্শনা । ̃পন্হী a. & n. extremist; terrorist. ̃প্রকৃতি a. hot-tempered; quick-tempered; irascible, choleric. ̃বীর্য a. highspirited. ̃মূর্তি a. angry-looking; fiercelooking. ̃স্বভাব same as উগ্রপ্রকৃতি । 22)
(p. 143) ucakkā in the state of growing up or attaining maturity, adolescent (উচক্কা বয়স); sudden (উচক্কা ভয়). adv. suddenly. 23)
(p. 143) ucala (poet. & obs.) high. 24)
(p. 143) ucāṭana anxiety; restlessness; over-eagerness. a. anxious; restless; overeager. 25)
(p. 143) ucita just, equitable; reasonable; proper, right; worthy, becoming, suitable. ̃বক্তা a. outspoken. উচিত ব্যবহার just and equitable treatment, a square deal. 26)
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