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(p. 438) ḍh the fourteenth consonant of the Bengali alphabet. 2)
(p. 438) ḍha1 affected or conquettish bearing or pose; dissimulation; affectation; shape, form, cut, fashion, style, manner. ঢঙি a. fem. given to affectation; conquettish; dissimulating. n. such a woman, a poseuse. 3)
(p. 438) ḍhakkā a large drum. ̃ধ্বনি, ̃নিনাদ n. the sound of such a drum. 6)
(p. 438) ḍhaka1 shape, form, cut; pattern; style (কথা বলার ঢক). 4)
(p. 438) ḍhaka2 expressing: the noise of swallowing or gulping any liquid; the noise of heavy movement of any liquid within a container. ̃ঢক int. expressing : repetition of these noises; the noise of swallowing or gulping repeatedly and quickly (ঢকঢক করে জল খাওয়া). 5)
(p. 438) ḍhana expressing: a metallic sound as of a bell ringing or an empty vessel sounding. ̃ঢন int. expressing: repetition of this sound, ding-dong; absolute emptiness (হাড়িঁ ঢনঢন, পকেট ঢনঢন). ̃ঢনে a. empty. 7)
ঢপ ঢপ, ঢব ঢব
(p. 438) ḍhapa ḍhapa, ḍhaba ḍhaba expressing: repeated and quick thudding noise; the dull noise of repeatedly striking a soft and empty swelling or a flatulent belly. 10)
(p. 438) ḍhapa1 shape, form, cut, fashion; a kind of song attended with slow dance current in Bengal. 8)
(p. 438) ḍhapa2 expressing: a thudding noise as of a heavy body falling softly; the dull noise of striking a soft and empty swelling or a flatulent belly. 9)
(p. 438) ḍhala a slope, an incline; declivity; stream of water running down along the slope of a mountain, a rapid (ঢল নেমেছে); flood-water (esp. that puts a river in spate). 11)
(p. 438) ḍhalakō loose, slack. 12)
(p. 438) ḍhalaḍhala expressing: excessive looseness (জামাটা ঢলঢল করছে); loveliness (মুখ খানা ঢলঢল করছে); wideness or largeness (আঁখি ঢলঢল); engrossed or rapt state (ভাবে ঢলঢল); a. large or wide and expressive (ঢলঢল আখি); full of beauty or charm. ('ঢলঢল কাঁচা অঙ্গের লাবনি'). ঢলঢলে a. very loose-fitting (ঢলঢলে জামা); full of loveliness (ঢলঢলে মুখ). 13)
(p. 438) ḍhalatā extra quantity of any commodity added to the accurately weighed amount (perhaps to ensure customersatisfaction). 14)
(p. 438) ḍhalā to incline forwards or backwards or sideways; to go down (সূর্য পশ্চিমে ঢলেছে); to incline towards, to dote on (ছেলের দিকে ঢলা). ̃ঢলি n. scandalous behaviour (esp. in love); objectionable familiarity or mixing; a scandalous affair. ঢলানে a. given to scandalous behaviour. fem. ঢলানি । ঢলানো v. to cause to incline; to behave scandalously. ঢলে পড়া v. to droop, to collapse (from loss of muscular strength etc.). 15)
(p. 438) ḍhām̐i a species of large fish without scale, (cp.) the trout. 17)
(p. 438) ḍhāusa very large or big, enormous, monstrous, huge. 16)
ঢাকঢাক, ঢাকঢাক-গুড়গুড়
(p. 438) ḍhākaḍhāka, ḍhākaḍhāka-guḍ়guḍ় an attempt to conceal or hush up; hush-hush state. 19)
(p. 438) ḍhākanā a cover; a lid; a veil; a blinker. 20)
(p. 438) ḍhākani a cover, a lid.
(p. 439) ḍhākā to cover; to veil; to screen; to envelop; to overcast (মেঘে ঢাকা); to conceal, to hide; to hush up; (usu. dero.) to countenance or to connive at. n. a lid; a cover; a veil; (usu. dero.) connivance. a. covered; veiled; screened; enveloped; overcast. 2)
(p. 439) ḍhākāi made or manufactured at Dacca (a district of Bangladesh). 3)
(p. 439) ḍhāki a drummer. ঢাকি সুদ্ধ বিসর্জন (lit.) to throw away or immerse the drummer with the idol; (fig.) to lose or sarcifice everything; to let go the rope after the bucket, to throw the baby out with the bathwater. 4)
(p. 438) ḍhāka1 a drum. ঢাক পেটা, ঢাক বাজানো v. to beat a drum; (fig.) to make public or announce publicly. ঢাকের কাঠি a drumstick; (fig.) an instigator. ঢাকের বাঁয়া useless appurtenances or paraphernalia; something merely decorative. ঢাকের বাদ্যি drum-beat. ঢাকের দায়ে মনসা বিকানো (fig.) to run insolvent in attempting to keep up appearances, to sell one's homestead to grease one's car. 18)
(p. 439) ḍhāmāli pleasantries, drolleries, jokes. 5)
(p. 439) ḍhālā to pour (দুধ ঢালা); to cast, to mould (ছাঁচে ঢালা); to invest or spend esp. lavishly (ব্যাবসাতে টাকা ঢালা, ছেলের পড়াশোনার পিছনে টাকা ঢালা); to confer (স্নেহ ঢালা); to cause to flow out (দেশের জন্য রক্ত ঢালা). a. that which is poured (ঢালা জল); cast, moulded; extensively outspread, large, spacious (ঢালা বিছানা, ঢালা ফরাশ); lavishly distributed (ঢালা খাবার); permanent, standing (ঢালা হুকুম). ঢালাই n. act of casting or moulding. a. moulded, cast (ঢালাই লোহা). ঢালাই করা v. to mould, to cast. ঢালাইকর n. a caster. ঢালাই-কারখানা n. an ironfoundry; a foundry. 8)
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