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(p. 412) ̃jala, ̃bṛṣṭi a rainstorm. 19)
(p. 412) jh the ninth consonant of the Bengali alphabet. 2)
(p. 412) jhaṅkāra a jingling sound (as of the strings of a harp); a clattering sound (as of weapons); a humming sound (as of bees); (mus.) a sharp and loud sound, a blaze; a loud and sudden brawling or bullying sound. ঝংকার দেওয়া, (poet.) ঝংকারা v. to jingle; to clatter; to hum; (mus.) to twist into a sharp and loud sound, to blaze up; to burst out into brawling or bullying. 3)
(p. 412) jhaṅkṛta jingled; clattered; (mus.) twisted into a sharp and loud sound; burst into brawling or bullying. ঝংকৃতি n. jingle; clatter; hum; (mus.) a twisting into a sharp and loud sound. 4)
ঝকঝক, ঝকমক
(p. 412) jhakajhaka, jhakamaka expressing: sparkling or glistening state. ঝকঝক করা, ঝকমক করা, ঝকঝকানো, ঝকমকানো v. to sparkle, to glisten, to glitter; to shine brightly. ঝকঝকানি, ঝকমকানি n. sparkling or glistening or glittering state. ঝকঝকে, ঝকমকে a. sparkling, glistening, glittering, brightly shining. 5)
(p. 412) jhakamāri a folly (ঝকমারি করা); a mistake, a bloomer; a fault, an offence; a trouble (ঝকমারি সওয়া) ঝকমারির মাশুল দেওয়া to pay for one's mistake or folly. 6)
(p. 412) jhakki a risk; troublesome burden or charge. 7)
(p. 412) jhagaḍ়ā a quarrel, a brawl, a row; an altercation; a dispute. ঝগড়া করা v. to quarrel; to altercate, to wrangle. ঝগড়া বাধানো v. to kick up a row, to pick a quarrel; have a dispute with, to set by the ears. ঝগড়া মেটানো v. to make up a quarrel, to settle a dispute. ̃ঝাঁটি n. (usu. pl.) trifling or peevish quarrel or altercation or dissension; quarrels. ̃টে a. quarrelsome, cantankerous; wrangling. 8)
(p. 412) jhañjhanā a clattering sound (অস্ত্রঝঞ্ঝনা); a clap of thunder; thunder ('ঝঞ্ঝনা পড়ুক তার মাথার উপর'). 9)
(p. 412) jhañjhā a rainstorm. ̃ক্ষুদ্ধ, ̃পীড়িত a. stricken by a rainstorm. ̃তা়ড়িত a. driven or blown by a rainstorm. ̃বর্ত n. a cyclone. ̃বাত, ̃বায়ু n. a stormy wind, a strong gale. 10)
(p. 412) jhañjhāṭa a trouble; a fix; a disturbance; a troublesome burden or worry or charge (ঝঞ্ঝাট পোহানো). ঝঞ্ঝাটে পড়া v. to be in a trouble, to get into a scrape; to get into a mess; to be in a fix. ঝঞ্ঝাট বাধানো, ঝঞ্ঝা়ট করা v. to create trouble or disturbance. ঝঞ্ঝাট পোহানো, ঝঞ্ঝাট সহা v. to bear a trouble or the stress or strain of a crisis. 11)
(p. 412) jhañjhāṭē troublesome; disturbing. 12)
ঝটকা, ঝটকানি
(p. 412) jhaṭakā, jhaṭakāni a sudden and forceful snatch or pull or jerk. ঝ়টকা মারা v. to snatch or pull or jerk or snatch suddenly and forcefully; to cut or kill by a blow or with one stroke. 14)
(p. 412) jhaṭapaṭa2 expressing: flapping or the noise of flapping. ঝটপট করা, ঝটপটানো v. to flap. ঝটপটানি n. act or noise of flapping. 13)
(p. 412) jhaḍ়ti-paḍ়ti clippings or other waste matters; remnants, scraps. 20)
(p. 412) jhanakāṭha the lintel; the upper wooden bar of the frame of a door. 23)
(p. 412) jhanatkāra a clattering sound as of weapons; the chink of coins. 24)
(p. 412) jhanāt expressing a sound louder than ঝন । 25)
(p. 412) jhapa expressing the sound of diving or falling into water or air suddenly; a sudden splashing sound; quickness (ঝপ করে খাওয়া). ঝপঝপ int. expressing: the repeated or continuous sound of diving or falling into water or air or of sudden splashing; incessant pouring (ঝপঝপ বৃষ্টি); quickness (ঝপঝপ করে খাওয়া). ঝপাঝপ adv. very quickly (ঝপাঝপ খাওয়া); quickly one after another (ঝপাঝপ ডুব দেওয়া). 26)
(p. 412) jhapāt expressing the sound of diving or springing into water or of flinging down a heavy object. 27)
(p. 412) jhamajhama expressing a loud jingling sound as of anklets; a loud pattering sound as of rain falling in torrents. ঝমঝম করা v. to jingle. ঝমরঝমর int. expressing a very loud jingling noise as of anklets. ঝমাঝম adv. with a loud jingling noise (ঝমাঝম মল বাজে); noisily in torrents (ঝমঝম বৃষ্টি পড়ছে). 28)
(p. 412) jhampa a jump, a spring, a dive, a plunge. ঝম্প দেওয়া v. to jump, to spring, to plunge, to dive. ̃দান, ̃প্রদান n. act of jumping or springing or plunging or diving. 29)
(p. 412) jhari (poet. & obs.) falls or fall, is or are shed, drops or drop, exudes or exude. 30)
(p. 412) jharajhara expressing the state or sound of rapid and continuous falling in small drops of minute particles (ঝরঝর করে বৃষ্টি বা বালি পড়া, ঝরঝর করে কাঁদা). adv. in incessant flow or falling ('ঝরঝর বরিষে বারিধারা). ঝরঝরে a. neat and clean (ঝরেঝরে ঘর); neat (ঝরঝরে কাজ); neat. and legible (ঝরঝরে ছাপা, ঝরঝরে লেখা); refreshed or freed from morbidity (দেহটা ঝরঝরে লাগছে); freed from moisture (ঝরঝরে ভাত); dilapidated (বাড়িখানার ঝরঝরে অবস্হা); in utter ruin. পরকাল ঝরঝরে করা v. to spoil one's life, to spoil one's future; to deprave utterly. 31)
(p. 412) jharati any negligible portion of things fallen out of a heap and passed over at the time of loading or carrying. 32)
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