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দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 921) l the twenty-eighth consonant of the Bengali alphabet. 2)
(p. 921) laṅkā capsicum, chillies, red pepper. ̃বাটা n. paste of chillies prepared by pounding them with water. ̃মরিচ same as লংকা । 3)
(p. 921) laṅklatha long-cloth. 4)
লক আউট
(p. 921) laka āuṭa lock-out, closure declared by the owners of factories etc. 5)
(p. 921) lakaṭa the loquat tree, loquat. 7)
(p. 921) lakalaka expressing; lolling (as of the tongue); dangling or brandishing (as of a cane); flashing (as of a flame of fire). লকলকে a. lolling; dangling; flashing. 6)
(p. 921) lakāra a locker; safe-deposit vault of a bank etc for depositing customers' valuables. 8)
(p. 921) lakēṭa a locket. 9)
(p. 921) lakṣaṇa a sign, a mark; an indication; a symptom; a characteristic, a trait; an omen, a presage, a prognostic. ̃গীত n. a song that describes the chief features of a raga or musical mode. ̃যুক্ত a. characterized by or possessing a sign or mark or indication or symptom or characteristic or omen; indicative of; presaging. লক্ষণা n. (rhet.) imposition of a second meaning when the primary one is barred, (loos.) metonymy or metaphor or synecdoche. লক্ষণাক্রান্ত same as ̃যুক্ত । লক্ষণাত্মক a. relating to signs or marks; symptomatic; characteristic. লক্ষণীয় a. noticeable; remarkable, noteworthy; perceptible; prominent. 12)
(p. 921) lakṣapati a man worth a hundred thousand rupees or more, (loos.) a millionaire; a very wealthy man. 13)
(p. 921) lakṣādhika more than a hundred thousand or lakh. 14)
(p. 921) lakṣita noticed, seen, observed, espied; perceived; aimed at; implied, signified. লক্ষিতার্থ the second meaning given to a word when the primary meaning is barred. 15)
(p. 921) lakṣī the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity; fortune; beauty; grace. a. fem. & masc. well-behaved and good-natured. লক্ষীর বরপুত্র Fortune's favourite. লক্ষীর ভান্ডার an inexhaustible store. ˜ছাড়া a. bereft of grace and prosperity; wretched; uncouth; scoundrelly, wicked. fem. ̃ছাড়ি । ̃ছাড়া, ̃ছাড়া লোক n. a scapegrace, a wretch, a scoundrel. ̃প্যাঁচা n. a kind of whitish owl on which Goddess Lakshmi rides. ̃বন্ত, ̃মন্ত a. prosperous, rich, wealthly; auspicious or graceful (লক্ষীবন্ত চেহারা). ̃বার n. the day of the week when the Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped, (usu.) Thursday. ̃শ্রী n. graceful signs or marks of prosperity or auspiciousness; grace or beauty resembling that of Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষী). ̃স্বরূপিণী a. resembling Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষী) in beauty and merits; appearing as Lakshmi incarnate. 16)
(p. 921) lakṣya noticeable, observable; noteworthy, remarkable; intended; aimed at. n. intention; aim, goal; a target; a look or glance. লক্ষ্য করা same as লক্ষ্য করা । লক্ষ্য রাখা v. to keep watch, to be on the watch. ̃চ্যুত same as ̃ভ্রষ্ট । লক্ষ্যবেধ বা লক্ষ্যভেদ করা v. to hit a mark or bull's eye. ̃বেধী, ̃ভেদী a. capable of hitting a mark. n. a marksman. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. failing to hit the target, missing the mark; erratic; (fig.) beside the mark. ̃ভ্রষ্ট হওয়া v. to miss the mark. ̃স্হল n. mark, target. ̃হীন a. aimless. লক্ষ্মীকৃত a. observed, watched.
(p. 921) lakṣa2 one hundred thousand, lakh, lac. a. numerous, countless (লক্ষবার বলেছি). লক্ষ লক্ষ innumerable, countless. 11)
(p. 922) lagabagē flexible, supple, pliant; unsteady, swaying to and fro; tottering; flimsy. 2)
লগা, লগি
(p. 922) lagā, lagi a pole of bamboo etc. esp. one for propelling a boat, a punt-pole; a pole with a hook fixed to one end for plucking fruits, flowers etc. লগি ঠেলা v. to punt. 3)
(p. 922) laguḍ় a heavy stick, a cudgel, a mallet, a club. লগুড়াঘাত করা v. to beat with a club or a cudgel. লগুড়াহত a. cudgelled, beaten with a stick, bastinadoed. 4)
(p. 922) lagnā of লগ্ন2 । 7)
(p. 922) lagni investment (of money) in business enterprise; usury. লগ্নি করা v. to invest, to lay out; to lend at interest. ̃করণ n. investing, investment. 8)
(p. 922) lagna1 attached or adhering or leaning to (কন্ঠলগ্ন, দেহলগ্ন). 5)
(p. 922) lagna2 (astrol.) the rising-time of any zodiacal sign or the time of the sun's transition to a zodiacal sign; (astrol.) a suitable or auspicious time or moment (বিয়ের লগ্ন); a point of time (মরণলগ্ন). ̃পত্র n. a written marriage-contract fixing astrologically the time of marriage. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. failing to commence one's work within the astrologically appointed hours; (fig.) one who has missed the opportune moment. 6)
(p. 922) laghimā a yogic attainment that enables one to make one's body light or subtle at pleasure; absence of heaviness, lightness. 9)
(p. 922) laghiṣṭa lightest; smallest; minimum; lowest; least; very light or small. লঘিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুণিতক, (সংক্ষেপে) ল. সা. গু (math.) the least common multiple, (abbr.) L.C.M. 10)
(p. 922) laghīẏāna less heavy, lighter; smaller; lower; very light or small. fem. লঘীয়সী । 11)
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