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ন যযৌ ন তস্হৌ
(p. 555) na yayau na tashau motionless; unable to move; unable to go this way or that. 46)
নই তালিম
(p. 549) ni tālima neo-education, neo-literacy; a novel method of education, generally applied to Gandhi's Basic Education scheme. 6)
(p. 549) nilē otherwise, else. prep. without, except (সে নইলে কে যাবে ?) । 7)
(p. 549) ni3 female. নই-বাছুর n. a cow-calf. 5)
(p. 549) nui the ninth day of a month. a. (of the days of a month) ninth (নউই বৈশাখ). 8)
(p. 549) nōjōẏāna a young hero; a young man; (collect.) youths of a country. 9)
(p. 549) nōbata an orchestra in which the sanai (সানাই) is the chief instrument. ̃খানা n. a room or platform where the aforesaid orchestra is played. 10)
(p. 549) nōrōja the Persian New Year's day; a feast held on this day. 11)
(p. 549) nōla (poet. & obs.) young or tenderaged (নওলকিশোর). 12)
(p. 549) nakaḍ়ā-chakaḍ়ā slight, neglect; (loos.) confusion, disorder; (loos.) squandering. নকড়া-ছকড়া করা v. to slight or neglect, to play fast and loose; (loos.) to make a mess of, to throw at sixes and sevens; (loos.) to squander, to play ducks and drakes with. নকড়া-ছকড়া হওয়া v. to be slighted or neglected; (loos.) to be made a mess of; (loos.) to be squandered. 13)
(p. 549) nakala imitation; mimicry; a copy; a transcript, a reproduction; act of copying from another's answer-paper or script by adopting unfair means (as by an examinee). a. artificial, sham, imitation (নকল হিরে); counterfeit (নকল টাকা); forged (নকল দলিল). নকল করা v. to imitate; to mimic; to copy; to make a copy of, to transcribe; (of an examinee) to copy from another's answer-paper or script by adopting unfair means; to forge. ̃নবিশ n. a scribe, a professional copyist or transcriber. ̃নবিশি n. professional copying or transcribing. ̃দানা ori. & now obs. form of নকুলদানা । 14)
(p. 549) nakaśā a rough sketch, a sketch; a rough cast; a plan or design in outlines, a plan (বাড়ির নকশা); a diagram; an outline map, a map; an artistic design; an engraving; an embroidered design (পাড়ের নকশা); a literary burlesque, a skit. নকশা আঁকা, নকশা করা v. to draw a sketch or a plan or a map in outlines; to sketch or plan. ̃-আঁকা, ̃-কাটা, ̃দার a. having an artistic design (নকশা-আঁকা পাড়); having an engraving. ̃কার n. a draftsman. ̃পাড় a. having an artistically designed border (নকশাপাড় শাড়ি). 15)
(p. 549) nakaśāla an armed revolutionary Marxist movement which originated in Naxalbari in Darjeeling district; a person who believes in such a movement or is a member of it. 16)
(p. 549) nakaśi having an artistic design (নকশিকাঁথা). ̃কাঁথা n. a quilt or rag with artistic design. 17)
(p. 549) nakāśi carving; engraving; painting or designing on metal vessels. 18)
(p. 549) nakiba one who is employed to announce the glory of one's prince and the advent of a person to the prince's court, (cp.) an usher. 19)
(p. 549) nakula the mongoose, the ichneumon; Shiva (শিব). 20)
(p. 549) nakuladānā a kind of white and roundish toffee or sweet drop.
(p. 550) nakulē given to or expert in copying or mimicry. 2)
নকুলেশ্বর, নকুলেশ্বর ভৈরব
(p. 550) nakulēśbara, nakulēśbara bhairaba an angry manifestation of Shiva (শিব). 3)
(p. 550) nakta the night. ̃চর, ̃চারী, ̃ঞ্চারী a. active by night; wandering by night; nocturnal; nightfaring, noctivagant. n. the rakshas; the bat; a thief, a burglar; a person active by night, a nightbird. নক্তান্ধ a. blind by night, nyctalopic. নক্তান্ধতা n. nyctalopia. Also রাত্র্যন্ধতা । 4)
(p. 550) nakra the crocodile; the alligator. fem. নক্রা । ̃রাজ n. the shark. 5)
(p. 550) nakṣatra a star. ̃খচিত a. star-spangled, studded with stars, starry. ̃গতি n. speed as quick as of a shooting star, meteoric speed; tremendous speed. a. having such speed. ̃নাথ, ̃পতি n. the moon (esp. when personified). (cp.) Luna. ̃পাত n. fall of a meteor or meteorite; (fig.) death or downfall of a great man. ̃পুঞ্জ n. a group of stars, a constellation. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. the science of stars, astronomy. ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an astronomer, a star-gazer. ̃বেগ n. same as নক্ষত্রগতি (n.). ̃বেগে adv. with the speed of a shooting star, swiftly as a shooting star; with great speed. ̃মন্ডল, ̃লোক n. the stellar region, the sidereal system, the firmament, the sky. ̃মন্ডিত a. same as নক্ষত্রখচিত । নক্ষত্রালোক n. star-light. নক্ষত্রালোকিত a. starlit. 6)
(p. 550) nakha a nail (of a finger or a toe); a talon, a claw (of a bird or a beast). নখ কাটা v. to cut or pare nails. নখ কাটা ছুরি বা কাঁচি বা নরুন n. a nail-cutter. ̃কুনি, ̃কোনি n. a painful ingrowing nail, whitlow. ̃দর্পন n. the esoteric power of reflecting unknown or distant things on the face of the nail; (fig.) the range of one's cognition (সমস্ত ব্যপার তার নখদর্পনে = the whole thing is within his command or grasp; the entire affair is at his finger-tips). নখর n. a talon, a claw (of a bird or beast); (facet.) a nail (of a man). ̃রঞ্জনী n. nail-polish. নখরাগ্র n. the tip of the claw. নখরাঘাত n. clawing. নখরাঘাত করা v. to claw. ̃রেখা, ̃লেখা n. a mark caused by nail. ̃শূল n. whitlow. 7)
(p. 550) nakhāgra the tip of a nail; the tip of the claw; the range of touch; (fig.) the range of perception or cognition. সমস্ত ব্যপার তার নখাগ্রে আছে same as সমস্ত ব্যাপার তার নখদর্পণে (see নখ). 8)
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