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traders দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 40) antarbāṇijya inland trade. 27)
(p. 56) abādha unobstructed, unrestrained, unrestricted; unopposed; unimpeded; uninterrupted; unbridled; free; facile. অবাধ কল্পনা unbridled or facile imagination. অবাধ নীতি laissez faire. অবাধ বাণিজ্য free trade. অবাধ ভ্রমণ unrestricted travel; travel as you like. অবাধে adv. without obstruction or restraint or restriction; without let or hindrance; without opposition or impediment; freely; facilely. 59)
(p. 99) āgama the esoteric scriptures of the Hindus (viz. বেদ, তন্ত্র etc); arrival, coming (শরদাগম); income; earning (ধনাগম, সুখাগম); (bio.) an inhaling organ, an inhalant; (gr.) insertion of an extra letter or syllable in the middle of a derivative word; (phil.) any of the sources of knowledge; (comm.) import. ̃নিবন্ধ n. incoming or inward register. ̃নিয়ামক n. the controller of imports. আগম বাণিজ্য নিয়ামক n. import trade controller. ̃শুল্ক n. import duty. 62)
(p. 115) āpaṇa a shop; a market. আপণিক a. of a shop or shops, of a market or markets; commercial. n. a shopkeeper; a trader. 28)
(p. 121) āmadāni (comm.) import; income; gathering (লোকের আমদানি); onrush, assemblage (বহুলোকের আমদানি); attack (রোগের আমদানি). আমদানি করা v. (comm.) to import; (in other cases) to bring. আমদানি বাণিজ্য n. import trade. আমদানি শুল্ক n. import duty. 8)
আয়ন বায়ু
(p. 123) āẏana bāẏu trade wind. 9)
(p. 159) upakūla coast; shore, beach; bank. ̃বর্তী a. littoral; orarian, coastal. ̃বাণিজ্য n. coasting-trade; coastal trade. ̃বাসী a. orarian. n. an orarian. 45)
(p. 162) upajībikā livelihood; a profession, a trade. 27)
(p. 162) upajībī living upon; taken to a particular profession or trade. 28)
(p. 162) upajībya acceptable as a livelihood or profession or trade; acceptable as a means to satisfy one's demand; to be depended on. n. livelihood; a profession; a trade; a means to satisfy one's demand; a shelter; a prop; leit-motif, basic idea (কবিতার উপজীব্য). 29)
(p. 189) -ōẏālā2 denoting: a trader, a seller, a practitioner, an owner, one in possession of or endowed with etc., -er, -or,ist. fem. ওয়ালি, উলি । 32)
(p. 192) kaṃsakāra a worker in bell metal (by trade or caste). 10)
(p. 208) karmisaṅgha trade union. 30)
(p. 219) kāja work, action; a deed, an act; a job, an employment, a service (কাজ থেকে বরখাস্ত); occupation, profession, trade; duty, task (রাজার কাজ প্রজাপালন); practice, habit (আড্ডা দেওয়াই তার কাজ); need, necessity, use (কথায় কাজ কী); motive, business (কী কাজে এসেছ); outcome, result, good result, success (ওষুধে কাজ হয়েছে); artistry (ছবিতে রঙের কাজ). কাজ আদায় করা v. to see that one works properly, to make one work properly; to get a work or task done; to wheedle a thing out of another, to wangle (by persuasion, trickery etc.). কাজও নেই কামাইও নেই always busy with nothing, ever busy with nothing; ever busy with trifles or with useless work; fussy. কাজ করা v. to work; to serve; to be effective. কাজ চলা, কাজ চলে যাওয়া v. & n. to be worth working, to be workable; to do (এতে তোমার কাজ চলবে ?? will it do?). কাজ দেওয়া v. to give employment; to entrust with a work or job, to allocate or allot duties to; to be effective (ওষুধটায় কাজ দিয়েছে); to give service (ঘড়িটা ভাল কাজ দিচ্ছে). কাজ দেখা v. to examine a work done; to supervise a work; to look for an employment or job; (coll.) to be effective (এতে কাজ দেখবে). কাজ দেখানো v. to try to display ostentatiously that one is busy, to be fussily active; to show off; to prove one's worth through work. কাজ বাগানো v. to manage to achieve one's end, to manage to obtain. কাজ বাঁচানো v. to see that one does not lose one's job. কাজ বাজানো v. (usu. dero.—by an insincere worker) to be on duty neglectfully. কাজ হাসিল করা v. to have one's object fulfilled; to have one's object achieved. কাজের কথা useful talk; the main point of a talk; talk about work. কাজের কাজি the right man for a work. কাজের জিনিস useful or valuable thing. কাজের বার useless, out of order; worthless; disabled. কাজের বেলায় কাজি কাজ ফুরোলে পাজি (fig.) ingratitude is the law of the world. কাজের লোক n. an employee; a servant, an active or useful or competent person. 12)
(p. 226) kāmāra a blacksmith (by trade or caste). fem. কামারনি the wife of a blacksmith. ̃শালা n. a smithy, a forge; a blacksmith's workshop. 30)
(p. 228) kārabāra business, trade; profession; calling; working, action; commerce; a business concern, a mercantile concern; (usu. dero.) an affair. কারবার করা v. to engage in a trade or business; to deal in, to trade in; to trade with; to have commercial transactions (with). কারবারি a. pertaining to business, trading; commercial. কারবারি লোক a businessman, a trader; (dero.) a trafficker. 21)
(p. 251) kēm̐ẏē a Marwari (মারওয়াড়ি) trader. a. captious; miserly, close-fisted, parsimonious; selfish. 33)
(p. 253) kēḍasa keds (trade name of the canvas shoes by US Rubber Co.) plimsoll, a rubber-soled sports shoe made of canvas. 3)
(p. 253) kēnā to buy, to purchase. a. bought, purchased. n. buying, purchase. ̃কাটা n. purchases, marketing, shopping. কেনাকাটা করা v. to make purchases, to shop. কেনা দর cost price. ̃গোলাম a slave. ̃নো v. to cause to buy. ̃-বেচা n. buying and selling; trading; brokery. কেনা-বেচা করা v. to buy and sell; to trade (in); to act as a (professional) broker. 16)
(p. 262) krīta bought, purchased. ̃দাস n. one who has been purchased to be the slave of the buyer for life, a slave. see also দাস । fem. ̃দাসী a. slavewoman; a slave-girl. ̃দাসত্ব n. a slavery. ̃দাসবত্ a. slavish. ̃দাস-ব্যবসায় n. slave-trade. ̃দাস-ব্যবসায়ী n. a slavetrader, a slaver. 33)
(p. 321) gōladāra an owner of a warehouse; a wholesaler. গোলদারি n. ownership of a warehouse; wholesale trade or trading. a. of an owner of a warehouse; of wholesale trade; wholesale. গোলদারি কারবার wholesale business or trade. 84)
(p. 351) carmāra a shoemaker or a tanner or currier (by caste or trade). 4)
(p. 355) cāmāra a shoemaker or tanner or currier (by caste or trade); (fig.) a merciless or base man; (fig.) a skinflint. fem. চামারনি । 28)
(p. 355) cālāni relating to export; exported; exportable; consigned. চালানি কারবার export trade. চালানি মাল export goods; consigned goods, consignment; not locally produced or fresh. চালানি শুল্ক export duty. 61)
(p. 396) jāti1 birth, origin (জাতিতে হিন্দু); kind, sort, class (নানা জাতির ফুল); breed or pedigree (নানা জাতির কুকুর); a race, a tribe (নানা জাতির মানুষ); a genus or species (মানবজাতি, সর্পজাতি, স্ত্রীজাতি); caste (কায়স্হজাতি); a nation (হিন্দুজাতি, ইংরেজজাতি); a community; lineage (শ্রেষ্ঠ জাতির ব্রাহ্মণ). জাতি খোয়ানো. v. to lose one's claim to remain in the fold of one's caste, to be outcasted. জাতি দেওয়া v. to forgo one's claim to remain in the fold of one's caste. জাতি মারা same as জাতি খাওয়া । জাতি যাওয়া, জাতি হারানো same as জাতি খোয়ানো । জাতিতে ওঠা v. to be reclaimed into the fold of one's caste; to have one's status uplifted. জাতিতে তোলা v. to reclaim into the fold of one's caste; to uplift the status of. ̃কর্ম n. a hereditary trade or occupation. ̃গত a. pertaining to the race, nation, caste, class, community etc.; racial, national, generic; phylogenetic. ̃চ্যুত a. expelled from one's caste, outcasted. ̃জনি n. phylogenesis, phylogeny. ̃তত্ত্ব n. ethnology. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. ethnological. ̃তাত্ত্বিক a. ethnological. n. an ethnologist. একজাতিতত্ত্ব n. the one-nation theory. ̃ধর্ম n. duties and practices pertaining to one's caste or race, racial duties and practices; racial character. ̃ধর্মনির্বিশেষে adv. without distinction of caste and creed. ̃নাশ n. expulsion from one's caste. ̃নাশা a. causing one to be outcasted; extremely disgraceful. ̃বর্ণ-নির্বিশেষে adv. without distinction of caste and colour. ̃বাচক a. generic; (gr.) denoting the class. ̃বিচার n. act of distinguishing the castes, caste-distinction; distinction of class. ̃বিদ্বেষ n. race-hatred. ̃বিদ্যা n. ethnology. ̃বিদ্যাগত a. ethnological. ̃বিদ্যাবিত্ n. an ethnologist. ̃বৈর n. racial enmity; vendetta, bloodfeud. ̃ব্যবসায় same as ̃কর্ম । ̃ভেদ n. castedistinction. ̃ভেদপ্রথা n. caste-system. ̃ভ্রংশ n. loss of one's claim to remain in the fold of one's caste. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as ̃চ্যুত । ̃রূপ n. national or racial type. ̃লক্ষণ n. distinctive mark of a caste or race, typical mark. ̃সংঘ n. (the) League of Nations. ̃স্বভাব n. the racial character. ̃স্মর a. one who remembers the incidents of one's former lives. ̃হীন a. outcasted; casteless; declassed. সম্মিলিত জাতিপুঞ্জ, রাষ্ট্রসংঘ the United Nations Organization. 61)
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