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দাক্ষিণাত্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দাক্ষিণাত্য : (p. 492) dākṣiṇātya of the southern part of a country; of the Deccan. n. (inc. but pop.) the Deccan. 9)


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(p. 480) daṃśā (usu. poet.) to bite or sting. দংশানো v. to cause to bite or sting; to bite or sting; (fig.) to cause grief, pain or suffering, to distress. 10)
(p. 480) di curdled milk, curd. দই পাতা v. to curdle milk; to keep milk in such a way that it will congeal or freeze into curd. চিনিপাতা দই milk curdled with sugar, sweet curd. সাজা দই recently curdled milk, fresh curd. হাতে দই পাতে দই তবু বলে কই কই (lit.) with curd on the palm of one's hand and on the plate, one still complains that it is not enough; (fig.) there is more than enough, yet complaining of scarcity; (cp.) want is unlimited and insatiable. 4)
(p. 485) dalana act of pressing or kneading; (loos.) act of trampling under foot, act of treading over; chastisement, repression, subdual, coercion, quelling. a. one who chastises or represses or subdues or coerces or quells. দলনী a. fem. of দলন (a.). দলন করা v. to press or knead; (loos.) to trample underfoot, to tread over; to chastise, to repress, to subdue, to coerce, to quell. দলনীয় a. to be trampled or crushed under foot; to be subdued. 63)
(p. 522) dbicara binary; amphibious. 54)
(p. 508) durbhakṣya hard to eat, not easily eatable; unfit for eating. 27)
(p. 500) duḥkhī stricken with sorrow or misery; woe-stricken, afflicted, distressed, miserable, suffering; sad; poor; destitute. fem. দুঃখিনী । দুঃখের দুঃখী a sympathizer. 56)
(p. 517) daibādhīna dependent on fate, controlled by destiny, fateful. 52)
(p. 481) daṇḍarha deserving punishment, punishable. 28)
(p. 492) dān̐ta a tooth; a tusk (as of an elephant or a hog); a fang (as of a serpent); (fig.) strength or pride (এ পরাজয়ে শত্রুদের দাঁত ভেঙে গেছে). দাঁত ওঠা v. to cut teeth, to teethe. দাঁত ওঠানো v. to have a tooth extracted; to extract a tooth. দাঁত কনকন করা v. to be afflicted with toothache. দাঁত কিড়মিড় করা v. to gnash or grind one's teeth (esp. in anger). দাঁত খিঁচানো v. to scold bawlingly and with grimaces, to show one's teeth. দাঁত তোলা v. to extract a tooth. দাঁত তোলানো v. to have a tooth extracted. দাঁত নড়া v. to have a tooth loosened. দাঁত পড়া v. to have a tooth fallen away. দাঁত ফেলা same as দাঁত ওঠানো । দাঁত ফোটানো v. (lit.) to pierce with teeth, to bite; (fig.) to be able to understand or comprehend. দাঁত বাঁধানো v. to make or have artificial teeth (or tooth); to fit with denture. দাঁত বিঁধানো same as দাঁত ফোটানো । দাঁত ভাঙা v. (fig.) to humble one's pride or weaken one's strength. দাঁত মাজা v. to brush or cleanse one's teeth. দাঁতে কুটো করা (fig.) to eat dirt, to eat the humble pie. দাঁতের গোড়া the root of a tooth, the gum. দাঁতের পাথরি chalk-like substance deposited on the teeth, tarter. দাঁতের পোকা caries. দাঁতে দাঁতে লাগা same as দাঁত কপাটি লাগা । আক্কেল দাঁত a wisdom tooth. কুকুরের দাঁত a canine tooth (of man), an incisor. গজ দাঁত an additional or extra tooth growing out of the root of another tooth, a subsidiary tooth. দুধে দাঁত a milk-tooth; milk dentition; a stomach-tooth. পোকাদাঁত n. a carious tooth. বাঁধানো দাঁত an artificial tooth, a false tooth. মাড়ির দাঁত a cheek-tooth, a molar tooth, a molar. শুয়োরের দাঁত a tusk. সাপের দাঁত a fang. হাতির দাঁত a tusk. দাঁত কনকনানি n. toothache. দাঁত-কপাটি n. state of having one's teeth clenched (esp. in fear or convulsive fits), lockjaw, trismus. দাঁতকপাটি লাগা v. to have one's teeth clenched, to be affected with lockjaw or trismus. দাঁত-ভাঙা a. difficult to pronounce or understand, break-jaw. দাঁতের মাজন n. dentifrice, a tooth-powder or toothpaste. দাঁত থাকতে দাঁতের মর্যাদা না বোঝা not to value blessings till they are gone. 5)
(p. 522) dbyartha two meanings, double meanings, ambiguity; equivocation. a. having two or double meanings; ambiguous; equivocal. দ্ব্যর্থক a. having two or double meanings; ambiguous; equivocal. দ্ব্যর্থক কথা a quibble or equivocation. দ্ব্যর্থক শব্দ a double entendre. দ্ব্যর্থকতা, দ্ব্যর্থতা n. ambiguity, equivocalness. দ্ব্যর্থহীন a. unequivocal, unambiguous. 84)
(p. 508) dēkhabhāla supervision, overseeing; taking care of. 120)
(p. 517) dēhātmabāda the doctrine of the identity of the body and the soul (that is, body is the soul); materialism. দেহাত্মবাদী a. identifying the body and the soul; materialistic. n. a believer in the identity of the body and the soul; a materialist. 38)
(p. 522) drāghīẏāna longer. 107)
(p. 495) dāraka a son. a. cleaving, splitting. 42)
(p. 508) dṛḍh়ībhabana act of becoming strong or stronger or firm or more firm; act of being tightened or tautened; act of being confirmed, confirmation; act of being firmly established; act of being congealed, congelation. 97)
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