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চরণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

চরণ : (p. 349) caraṇa a foot, a leg, a foot or line of a verse; ambulation, walking, travelling, wandering, moving; observance, practice. ̃কমল n. a foot fancied as a lotus; a beautiful or divine foot. ̃চারণ n. ambulation, walking; perambulation; peregrination. ̃চারী a. (also n.) pedestrian. ̃তরী, ̃তরি n. a foot regarded as a boat esp. to cross the river Baitarani (বৈতরণী) after one's death. ̃তল n. the sole; the foot. চরণতলে থাকা v. to lie under the foot or sole of; (fig.) to act as one's bond-slave for attainment of final salvation; (fig.) to depend cringingly on. চরণতলে পড়া v. to fall at the feet of (esp. in order to win favour). ̃দাসী n. a devoted wife; one belonging to a sect of Vaishnavas founded by Charandas; (sarcas.) a female companion or associate of a Vaishnava. ̃ধূলি, ̃ধুলা n. the dust of one's feet. ̃পদ্ম same as ̃কমল̃প্রান্ত n. the border or end of one's feet. ̃প্রান্তে adv. at one's feet. ̃বন্দনা n. act of worshipping one's feet; act of bowing down at one's feet in obeisance, genuflection. ̃যুগল n. both the feet, the two feet; a pair of feet. ̃রেণু same as ̃ধূলি̃সেবক n. a devotee. ̃সেবা n. act of worshipping one's feet; act of massaging one's legs and feet. ̃স্পর্শ n. contact of one's feet; act of touching one's feet. চরণ স্পর্শ করা v. to touch one's feet. ̃স্পর্শে adv. at the contact or touch of one's feet. চরণাঙ্কিত a. marked with the footprint (of). চরণাঙ্গুলি n. a toe. চরণামৃত n. the water with which the feet of a deity or revered person has been washed. চরণাম্বুজ, চরণারবিন্দ same as চরণকমলচরণোপান্তে adv. at one's feet. 3)


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(p. 348) carakasaṃhitā a treatise on medicine written by Charaka the sage.
(p. 349) carbya (of food) that which has to be chewed; masticable. ̃চূষ্য a. that which has to be chewed and that which has to be sucked; (fig.) of or pertaining to different delicious varieties. n. pl. articles of food comprising that which has to be chewed and that which has to be sucked; (fig.) articles of food of different delicious varieties, rich and costly dishes. চর্ব্য-চূষ্য-লেহ্য-পেয় a. those which have to be chewed and sucked and licked and drunk; (fig.) of different delicious varieties, delicious and costly. n. (lit. & fig.) delicious food or dishes, delicacies of all descriptions. 21)
(p. 351) calacitta fickle-minded, mentally unsteady. ̃তা n. fickle-mindedness. 9)
(p. 348) camacama a kind of juicy sweetmeat made of posset. 13)
(p. 349) carpaṭa a blow with the open palm of the hand, a slap. 16)
(p. 341) caṭacaṭa1 expressing the repeated noise of splitting, slapping etc. চটচট করা v. to split noisily and repeatedly. 37)
(p. 352) cāōẏā2 to look at; to open (চোখ চাওয়া); to cast an evil eye (on or at). চাওয়াচাওয়ি n. act of looking at one another; act of coming to an agreement by favouring one another. ̃নো v. to cause to look at; to cause to open. মুখ তুলে চাওয়া v. to look favourably on; to be favourably inclined towards. 15)
(p. 341) cakōra a kind of bird said to enjoy drinking moonbeam, the red-legged or Himalayan partridge or curlew or bartavelle, Caccabis chucar. fem. চকোরী । 14)
(p. 351) carya that which is to be practised or observed. চর্যা n. practice or observance (ধর্মচর্যা, ব্রতচর্যা); observance of rules or routine (দিনচর্যা); culture (দেহচর্যা, সাহিত্যচর্যা); act of looking after (রোগীচর্যা). চর্যাপদ n. any of the lyrics composed by a sect of Buddhists about their religion and religious practice, supposed to be the earliest specimen of Bengali literature. 6)
(p. 352) cām̐i1 (dero.) a leader; a chief; a ringleader; a veteran person; a somebody. 16)
(p. 352) caśamā (a pair of) spectacles; an eyeglass; (coll.) specs. ̃ওয়ালা a. spectacled. n. a spectacled man; a dealer in spectacles and other optical goods. ̃ধারী, ̃-পরা a. spectacled; bespectacled. 5)
(p. 346) catuṣṭaẏa having four limbs or divisions; of four kinds (আশ্রমচতুষ্টয়). n. an aggregate of four, quartet (নীতিচতুষ্টয়). 20)
(p. 345) caturāli cleverness, slyness, trickiness; deception; an instance or act of cleverness or trickiness or deception. 21)
(p. 344) caḍ়āi2 the sparrow. 18)
(p. 355) cāpā to press; to compress; to suppress, to conceal, to hide (কথা চাপা); to restrain, to check (উন্নতি চাপা); to extend, to cover ('পঞ্চগৌড় চাপিয়া গৌড়েশ্বর রাজা,' 'কুরুকুল চাপি'); to ride or mount (ঘোড়ায় চাপা); to board or get into (গাড়িতে চাপা); to come upon as a load or weight, to burden (ঘাড়ে চাপা) n. act of pressing; compression; suppression, concealment; act of restraining; act of extending or covering; act of riding or mounting; act of boarding or getting into; a cover or lid (ঘটের চাপা, গর্তের চাপা); a weight (কাগজ-চাপা). a. pressing or compressing (বুক-চাপা ব্যথা); subdued, low, not clearly audible (চাপা গলা, চাপা সুর); not prominent, dull (চাপা রং); covered (কাঁটাঝোপে চাপা); restrained, obstructed, frustrated (চাপা বরাত); sunk or depressed to a lower level (পৃথিবী উত্তর-দক্ষিণে কিঞ্চিত্ চাপা); secretly circulated, private (চাপা গুজব); secret, concealed, suppressed (চাপা দুঃখ); uncommunicative, reserved (চাপা লোক). ̃কান্না n. mute or suppressed weeping, inarticulate crying. চাপা গলায় in an undertone. ̃চাপি, (coll.) ̃চুপি n. continuous pressing or thrusting or stuffing; mutual pressing; continuous solicitation; suppression, concealment; an attempt to suppress or conceal. চাপাচাপি করা v. to press or thrust or stuff continuously; to press mutually; to solicit or pester continuously; to suppress, to conceal; to endeavour to suppress or conceal. চাপা দেওয়া v. to cover; to suppress, to conceal, to hush up;; (as by a vehicle) to run over. চাপা পড়া v. to be covered; to be suppressed, to be concealed or hushed up; to be run over (by a train, a vehicle etc.) চাপা স্বরে in an undertone. চেপে ধরা v. to hold tight or pressed; to press. চেপে বসা v. to sit upon one's buttock; to sit tight; to sit firmly; to settle firmly; to be fixed tightly or firmly. চেপে যাওয়া v. to avoid disclosing; to desist from mentioning. চেপে রাখা v. to keep pressed; to keep restrained; to keep concealed or undisclosed. (ঘাড়ে) শয়তান চাপা to be possessed by a devil. 16)
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