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turmoil; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 73) arājaka anarchical; divested of law and order, lawless; disorderly. ̃তা n. absence of government in a society; anarchy; lawlessness and disorder; political or social disorder; turmoil. 51)
(p. 159) unmathana thorough stir or churning; thorough kneading or thrashing or massaging; act of killing, slaughter; rout. উন্মথন করা v. to stir or churn or knead or thrash or massage thoroughly; to kill, to slay; to rout, to mop up. উন্মথিত a. stirred or churned or kneaded or thrashed or massaged thoroughly; in turmoil; killed, slain; routed; mopped up; swelling up or agitated owing to external attraction. 21)
(p. 419) ṭāla2 curvature (অস্ত্রখানায় একটু টাল আছে); inclination (ঘুড়িখানায় টাল আছে); dodge or stagger (টাল খেয়ে পড়া); impact, collision, danger, crisis (টাল কাটানো); a difficult charge or task or crisis (টাল সামলানো); adulation or quibble (টাল দেওয়া); a capricious demand (টাল করা). টাল করা v. to make a capricious demand. টাল কাটানো v. to get over a crisis. টাল খাওয়া v. to have a curvature or inclination; to dodge or stagger; to be faced with a crisis; (dial.) to worsen (রোগটা আবার টাল খেল). টাল দেওয়া v. to put in danger or in a crisis; to try to evade by means of adulation or quibble. টাল যাওয়া v. to pass through danger or a crisis. টাল সামলানো v. to get over or steer through a crisis or danger; to manage a difficult charge or task. টাল হওয়া v. to have a curvature or inclination, to bend or incline. ̃বাহানা n. quibble and false pretext. ̃মাটাল n. a great danger or crisis or turmoil. 84)
(p. 434) ḍāmāḍōla widespread and disorderly turmoil; widespread and tumultuous confusion; hurly-burly. 14)
(p. 480) dakṣa1 (myth.) the name of a divine being entrusted formerly with the charge of creation of earthly beings; the father of Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব), ̃কন্যা n. Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব). ̃যজ্ঞ n. (myth.) a religious feast held by Daksha (দক্ষ) in which Shiva (শিব) was not invited and was publicly abused or censured and Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva, unable to stand this, died of grief. Shiva came with his followers to the feast, spoilt it and killed Daksha; (fig.) tremendous turmoil; utter confusion, pandemonium. 15)
(p. 767) bibhrāṭa a crisis, a danger; a difficulty, a trouble; turmoil, disorder, confusion; a mishap. 16)
(p. 1060) hulashūla a tumultuous confusion, a great hubbub or commotion, a turmoil. হুলস্হূল ব্যাপার a tumultuous affair. 32)
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