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(p. 2) agatyā having no other course to follow or means to adopt; being compelled; perforce, of necessity, necessarily; as a necessary or unavoidable consequence. অগত্যা রাজি হওয়া to agree to follow or adopt a course as a last resort or having no alternative. 119)
(p. 30) anu denoting: behind in time or position, following, after, imitating, younger, every, duration, expansion, etc. 11)
(p. 30) anukaraṇa imitation, act of copying; act of pursuing or following after; mimicry. অনুকরণ করা v. to imitate, to copy; to follow after. ̃কারী a. & n. same as অনুকারী । ˜পটু a. clever at imitating. ̃প্রিয় a. fond of imitating or mimicking. ̃বৃত্তি n. faculty of imitation. ̃শীল a. given to imitating, habitually imitative. অনুকরণীয় a. imitable; worthy of being imitated; exemplary. হীন অনুকরণ n. aping, apery. হীন অনুকরণ করা v. to ape; to mimic. 13)
(p. 30) anukāra imitation; making similar (to). অনুকার শব্দ n. an onomatopoeic word, an onomatopoeia. অনুকারী a. imitating, mimicking; imitative; making similar; similar; following after. n. an imitator, a mimic; a follower. 15)
(p. 30) anukṛta imitated, copied, mimicked; followed (after). অনুকৃতি n. imitation, mimicry; travesty; working after the example of. 19)
(p. 30) anukrama serial order; sequence; systematic succession; a programme. ̃ণ n. going or coming after, following; recurrence, repetition. ̃ণিকা, ̃ণী n. (of a book) a preface, a foreword, a list of contents. অনুক্রমিক a. following the serial order; sequential. অনুক্রমে adv. in regular order of; sequentially, seriatim. 21)
(p. 30) anuga going or coming after, following; obeying; according to (নিয়মানুগ); conforming to. 23)
(p. 30) anugata obedient, following faithfully, devoted, complying; dependent. অনুগত হওয়া v. to obey; to follow faithfully; to be devoted to; to depend on. 24)
(p. 30) anugamana going or coming after, following or pursuing. 25)
(p. 30) anugāmī & n. one who or that which follows or obeys or conforms to, adherent. fem. অনুগামিনী । অনুগামী হওয়া v. to follow; to be obedient to; to adhere to, to be in conformity with. 26)
(p. 30) anucara accompanying; attending, attendant; following. n. a companion; an attendant; a follower. fem. অনুচরী । ̃বর্গ n. pl. retinue, a suite or train of companions or attendants. 32)
(p. 30) anucārī following; attending. n. a follower, an attendant, a servant. 33)
(p. 30) anujībī one who attends on or serves; dependent for maintenance, shelter etc., obeying or following. n. an attendant, a servant; a follower, a dependent. 43)
(p. 30) anuttara that which or one who has nothing or none to follow, final; supreme, best; not responding or answering, unresponsive; silent; not northern. 54)
(p. 30) anudhābana running after; pursuit, chase; search; ascertaining; giving attention to; reflection; deliberation, consideration. অনুধাবন করা v. to run after, to follow hotly; to pursue, to chase; to seek, to search; to ascertain; to attend to; to reflect; to deliberate, to consider. অনুধাবনীয় a. that which is to be considered or deliberated on; that which should be considered. 78)
(p. 30) anupada at every step; immediately following; in the wake of; hereafter, afterwards, later on, then. a. following, pursuing. 94)
(p. 30) anupadī following, pursuing; seeking, searching for. 96)
(p. 30) anupūrba due order or succession, serial order. a. following due order or succession. 110)
(p. 34) anubartana coming or going after, following or pursuing; pursuit; succession; leaving for a new place; removal; imitation, repetition; of attending on or serving. অনুবর্তন করা v. to follow; to pursue; to succeed; to remove to a new place; to imitate; to repeat; to serve, to attend on. 9)
(p. 34) anubartī following; attending, accompanying; subservient, obeying, complying; compliant, submissive. n. a follower. fem. অনুবর্তিনী । অনুবর্তিতা n. following or attending or accompanying; subserviency, obedience, compliance, acquiescence. অনুবর্তী হওয়া v. to follow; to pursue; to succeed; to be the imitation or repetition of; to be subservient to; to obey, to comply with, to acquiesce in, to toe the line. 10)
(p. 34) anubṛtti coming or going after, following or pursuing; pursuit; succession; removal to a new place; imitation; repetition; attending on or serving; about to be started; outset; (of a question, point, motion etc.) moving or raising, introduction; relation; resolution, endeavour, context, contextual connection. 19)
(p. 34) anumaraṇa voluntarily burning oneself to death (on the funeral pyre of a deceased husband). অনুমৃতা a. fem. embracing death in the aforesaid manner (esp. applicable to a widow following her husband to death). mas. অনুমৃত । 30)
(p. 34) anuyāta gone after or followed after; consequent upon, subsequent to, successive; according (to); following faithfully; done after the example of, imitated; subsidiary, subordinate; secondary. 40)
অনুযাত্র, অনুযাত্রিক
(p. 34) anuyātra, anuyātrika going after, following; attending on, serving; consequent; accompanying. n. a. follower; a servant, an attendant; a consequence; an accompaniment; a companion, (in pl.) retinue; a fellow-traveller. 41)
(p. 34) anuyāẏī going after, following; consequent upon; according (to); after the example of; similar. adv. according to. 42)
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