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সন্ধ্যা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সন্ধ্যা : (p. 978) sandhyā the juncture of day and night either at day break or nightfall, twilight; the evening, dusk, gloaming, nightfall (also সন্ধ্যাবেলা); the evening prayer to God or at any time of day or night (also সন্ধ্যাহ্নিক); time of performance (দুসন্ধ্যা ভোজন); juncture of two ages, transition period; (fig.) beginning (কলির সন্ধ্যা); (fig.) the closing period, the close (জীবনসন্ধ্যা). সন্ধ্যা করা v. to say one's prayer (at any time of day) to be overtaken by evening (সে বাড়ি ফিরতে সন্ধ্যা করে). ̃উপাসনা n. the evening prayer, vespers. ̃কালীন a. of evening; evening. ̃কালে adv. in the evening, ̃গোধূলি n. evening twilight, gloaming, dusk, owl-light. ̃তারা n. the evening star, the Vesper. ̃দীপ n. an evening lamp. ̃বন্দনা same as ̃উপাসনা̃রাগ, ̃লোক same as ̃গোধূলি । 28)


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(p. 974) sadṛśa (often used as a prep.) like; similar, resembling; identical; equal. ̃কোণ a. (geom.) equiangular. ̃বিধান n. homoeopathy. 67)
(p. 974) satī (myth.) Sati, the daughter of Daksha and wife of Shiva (শিব); a wife intently devoted to her husband, a chaste or faithful wife; a widow who burns herself on her husband's pyre, a suttee, a sati. a. fem. (of a wife) intently devoted to one's husband, chaste. ̃ত্ব n. intent devotion of a wife to her husband, the chastity or faithfulness of a wife. সতীত্বনাশ n. violation of chastity; rape. সতীত্বনাশ করা v. to rape. সতীত্বরক্ষা করা v. preserve one's chastity. ̃দাহ n. the practice of widows burning themselves on their husbands' pyres, suttee, sati. ̃পনা n. (sarcas.) a show or affectation of chastity demonstrated by a wife; (sarcas.) pride of chastity or honesty (usu. false or overdone). ̃লক্ষী n. a very chaste and pleasing wife who brings fortune to her husband. ̃সাধ্বী n. a perfectly chaste wife. ̃সাবিত্রী a. a wife as chaste and devoted as Sabitri (সাবিত্রী). 25)
(p. 980) samakṣētra-abhikṣēpa an equal area projection. 82)
(p. 990) sasattbā with child or young, pregnant. ̃বস্হা n. pregnancy. 134)
(p. 987) samāpikā of সমাপক a. (gr.) finite. (সমাপিকা ক্রিয়া = a finite verb). 20)
সেচ, সেচন
(p. 1025) sēca, sēcana spraying or sprinkling or watering or baling; irrigation. সেচন করা v. same as সেচা (v.). সেচকর n. irrigation tax or cess. সেচন-কৃত্যক n. the Irrigation Service. সেচনযন্ত্র n. a sprinkling apparatus, a spray. সেচনী n. a spray, a sprinkling apparatus; a watering can; a bailing bucket or vessel, a bail, a bale. সেচবিভাগ n. the Irrigation Department. সেচমন্ত্রক n. the Ministry of Irrigation. সেচমন্ত্রী n. the Minister of Irrigation. 11)
(p. 999) sāja dress, raiment, garb; an ornament, a decorative article to be put on; equipment, outfit; make up; equipage; appurtenance; (dial.) rennet. ̃গোজ n. dressing; meticulous dressing. ̃ঘর n. a greenroom. ̃ন্ত a. embellishing, beautifying, decorative. ̃শ n. collusion (যোগসাজশে). a. (loos.) got-up (সাজশ মামলা = a got-up case.) ̃সজ্জা n. full dress; equipment, outfit; euipage; dressing; make-up; decoration; furniture and fittings. ̃সরঞ্জাম n. equipment, outfit; equipage; appurtenance; furniture and fittings. 67)
(p. 974) sadana a residence, a dwelling-house; a house; presence (রাজসদন). 40)
(p. 1030) stanabhāra the load of one's mammae; the burden of the breasts; fully developed breast. 10)
(p. 1014) sīmita limited. সীমিত সংঘ (comm.) a limited company. 8)
(p. 1004) sādhē of one's own accord, willingly ('সাধে কি আর বাবা বলে'). 14)
(p. 1022) sūkta any on of the complete Vedic incantations or verses or hymns or psalms; a wise or salutary saying, an apopthegm. সূক্তি n. a wise or salutary saying, an apopthegm. 31)
সংকেত করা
(p. 963) saṅkēta karā to beckon, to sign, to gesticulate. সংকেত দেওয়া v. to give a hint, to hint (at); to presage. সংকেতে adv. by means of gesticulation, by a sign; by hints or by suggestions; briefly. 27)
(p. 985) samarpita given away; dedicated; given; made over; committed to the charge or custody of; yielded up, surrendered. 26)
(p. 980) sapatnīka accompanied by wife; attended with wife. adv. with wife. 18)
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