(p. 890) yaśa, yaśḥ fame, renown, celebrity, good name, (good) reputation, credit. যশ গাওয়া, যশঃকীর্তন করা, যশঃখ্যাপন করা v. to celebrate one's fame, to sing one's praise; to glorify; to extol, to eulogize. যশস্কর a. bringing fame or renown; creditable. যশস্কামনা, যশাকাঙ্ক্ষা n. desire for fame or glory. যশঃস্তম্ভ n. the monument of fame or glory. যশস্বী a. famous, renowned, celebrated, reputed. fem. যশস্বিনী । যশোগাথা, যশোগান, যশোগীতি n. a song of praise. যশোগান গাওয়া same as যশঃকীর্তন করা । যশোভাগ্য n. luck or destiny to earn fame. যশোদ । a. same as যশস্কর n. mercury, quick-silver. যশোদা a. fem. of যশোদ n. fem. Krishna's (কৃষ্ণ) foster-mother. যশোদাদুলাল, যশোদানন্দন n. the son of Yashoda (যশোদা); Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). যশোমণ্ডিত a. crowned with fame or glory. যশোমতী n. fem. same as যশোদা (n.). যশোরাশি n. great fame; wide celebrity; honours in plenty. যশোরেখা n. (palmistry) the line of fame. যশোলাভ করা v. to earn fame; to attain glory. যশোলিপ্সা n. greed of fame. যশোলিপ্সু a. greedy of fame. যশোহানি n. loss of fame or reputation; disgrace, infamy; discredit. 9)