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দৌড়ানো এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দৌড়ানো : (p. 522) dauḍ়ānō to run; to flee, to run off. 31)


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(p. 522) dōlā2 a litter (esp. a ceremonial one); an improvised cot to carry a corpse to the crematorium; a rocking cradle. 4)
(p. 485) dalā1 a lump. 64)
(p. 522) dōlāi a kind of wrapper made of plaited cotton cloth. 5)
(p. 485) dastā zinc. দস্তার চাদর a zinc sheet. 86)
দোষাক্রান্ত, দোষান্বিত
(p. 522) dōṣākrānta, dōṣānbita defective, faulty; stricken with morbidity, morbid, diseased; affected with a vice, vicious. 10)
(p. 507) durgā Goddess Durga also called Shakti (শক্তি) or Force; the wife of Shiva (শিব)—she is the chief of female deities and a slayer of demons, and she presides over prosperity, victory, and fame of mankind. 17)
(p. 484) dama3 respiration, breathing, breath (দম আটকানো); a spell of catching the breath (দম ফুরানো); the breath of life, life breath (দম বেরোনো); a forceful puff (গাঁজায় দম); a spell or act of winding a machine (ঘড়িতে দম); (chiefly dial.) a winding key (ঘড়ির দমটা বদলাতে হবে a bluff, a fib, a hoax, a bam (দমে ভোলা); mild heat (দমে বসানো মাংস); a variety of highly seasoned thick curry (আলুর দম). দম আটকানো v. to catch the breath; to have difficulty in breathing; to cause difficulty in breathing; to be suffocated or choked; to suffocate or choke. দম ছাড়া v. to recover freedom of breathing, to take breath. দম ছাড়ার অবকাশ breathing-space, breathingtime, a breather. দম দেওয়া v. to wind (as a watch); to hoax, to bamboozle; to have a hard spell of smoking (গাঁজায় দম দেওয়া). দম ফাটা v. to choke; (fig.) to feel extremely oppressed at heart when forced not to speak out or express something. ̃ফাটা a. choking, suffocating, that which causes choking or suffocation (দমফাটা হাসি). দম ফুরানো v. to be out of breath, to be breathless; to die; (of clocks etc.) to require fresh winding. দম বন্ধ করা v. to catch one's breath. দম বন্ধ করানো v. to cause to catch one's breath; to suffocate, to choke. দম বন্ধ হওয়া v. to be suffocated or choked. দম বার করা v. to put out of breath, to take one's breath; to make one breathe one's last. দম বার হওয়া v. to be out of breath; to breathe one's last. দম রাখা v. to hold one's breath. দম নেওয়া v. to take breath, to have a respite. দম লাগানো same as দম দেওয়া । একদম adv. at all. একদমে adv. at one breath; quickly at a stretch. পুরোদমে adv. in full swing; in full speed; in a downright manner; thoroughly. বেদম a. that which puts one out of breath; excessive (বেদম প্রহার). 13)
দলুয়া, দলো
(p. 485) daluẏā, dalō a kind of reddish sugar made of dried molasses. 71)
(p. 485) darśā to be seen, to show result (সুফল দর্শে). দর্শানো v. to show; to exhibit; to cause. 58)
(p. 522) dōlāẏamāna swinging; dangling, oscillating; vacillating, wavering; hesitating; wavering with suspicion. 6)
(p. 517) dēhātmabāda the doctrine of the identity of the body and the soul (that is, body is the soul); materialism. দেহাত্মবাদী a. identifying the body and the soul; materialistic. n. a believer in the identity of the body and the soul; a materialist. 38)
(p. 500) dui two. a. & pro. both (দুই-ই খারাপ). দুই-এক a. one or two; a few. 50)
(p. 481) dantābala the elephant. 39)
(p. 481) daṇḍa2 a rod, a mace, a club, a staff, a stick, a pole, a sceptre; a pestle; a mallet; a churning stick; a maulstick; a ramrod; a rudder; anything resembling a rod; a measure of length (=4 cubits); punishment, penalty; a sentence (প্রাণদণ্ড); a fine (অর্থদণ্ড); a loss (ব্যবসায়ে টাকা দণ্ড); government or statemanship, any form or policy of government (সামদানভেদদণ্ড); a war or battle; an army or column (দণ্ডনায়ক). ̃কর্তা n. one who is empowered to punish; a punisher; a governor or ruler; a judge. fem. ̃কর্ত্রী ।̃কাক n. the god of death or Yama (যম) in the guise of a crow; jackdaw, a raven. ̃গ্রহণ n. acceptance of or submission to punishment; act of taking to asceticism. দণ্ডগ্রহণ করা v. to accept punishment, to submit to punishment, to kiss the rod; to take to asceticism, to renounce the world. ̃চুম্বক n. a bar magnet. ̃দাতা n. an inflicter of punishment, a scourger. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. infliction of punishment; an award of a sentence of punishment. দণ্ডদান করা, দণ্ড দেওয়া v. to punish; to sentence to punishment, to award a sentence of punishment. ̃ধর n. a king; a ruler or governor; a name of Yama (যম) the god of death and punisher of sinners. a. sceptred; armed with or bearing a staff. ̃ধারী a. armed with or bearing a staff; sceptred. n. king; an ascetic. ̃ন n. act of punishing or infliction of punishment, punishment. ̃নায়ক n. a commanderin-chief; an army commander; one empowered to punish, a punisher, a scourger. ̃নীতি n. principles of government; political economy, politics; principles regulating punishment, penal system. ̃নীয় a. punishable. fem. ̃নীয়া । ̃পাণি same as দন্ডধর । ̃প্রদান same as দন্ডদান । ̃পাল, ̃পালক n. a gatekeeper, a porter (fem. porteress, portress), a janitor (fem. janitrix, janitress). ̃বিধাতা same as ̃দাতা fem. ̃বিধাত্রী । ̃বিধান n. award or determination of punishment; the penal code. ̃বিধি n. the penal code; the criminal or penal procedure; a criminal or penal law. ̃মুণ্ড n. all sorts of punishments ranging from the most lenient ones to capital punishment. দণ্ডমুণ্ডের কর্তা one who has the absolute power of punishing; a king; an absolute ruler or master; a judge. ̃যোগ্য a. punishable. ̃স্বরুপ adv. by way of punishment, as a penalty. 23)
(p. 484) dantauṣṭhya (gr.) labiodental. n. a lobiodental letter or sound, a labiodental. 2)
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