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দুর্জ্ঞে য় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দুর্জ্ঞে য় : (p. 507) durjñē ẏa difficult to know or learn or cognize or comprehend; abstruse. ̃তা n. abstruseness; incomprehensibility, unknowableness. 27)


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(p. 499) dina2 (Mus.) religion, faith. ̃দুনিয়ার মালিক God (or Allah) as the Lord of the (Islamic) faith and of the world.
(p. 508) durbākya harsh words; discourteous words or language; revilement. 15)
(p. 517) dō (chiefly used as pfx.) two, twofold, twice. ̃আনি n. a two-anna piece. ̃আব n. a tongue of land between two rivers, a doab; (ori.) a confluence of two rivers. ̃আঁশ a. loamy. দোঁআশ মাটি loamy soil, loam. ̃আঁশলা, (rej.) ̃আঁসলা a. hybrid; crossbred; mongrel; loamy. n. a hybrid; a crossbreed; a mongrel. ̃কর a. two times of, double. adv. twice, two times, doubly. ̃কলা ̃কা a. & adv. only two together; in pair; having a companion or second. ̃কাটি n. two sticks; two sticks striking against each other. ̃চালা same as দুচালা (see দু). ̃ছুট, ̃ছোট n. a piece of large scarf worn loosely on the upper part of the body. ̃টানা same as দুটানা (see দু). ̃তরফা same as দুতরফা (see দু). ̃তলা, দোতালা same as দুতলা (see দু). ̃তারা same as দুতারা (see দু). ̃ধারী same as দুধারী (see দু). ̃নলা same as দুনলা (see দু). ̃পাট্টা a. arranged into two folds; folded in two parts; double-folded; joined together lengthwise. (দোপাট্টা চাদর). ̃পিয়াজি, ̃পিয়াজা, ̃পিঁয়াজি, ̃পিঁয়াজা n. a highly seasoned dish of meat or fish prepared with too many onions doubly fried. ̃পেয়ে same as দুপেয়ে (see দু). ̃ফলা same as দুফলা (see দু). ̃ফাল ̃ফালি same as দুফাল (see দু). ̃বরা a. doubly refined and granular (দোবরা চিনি). adv. twice over (দোবরা কাজ করা). ̃ভাঁজ a. doubly folded, folded in two plaits, doubled. ̃ভাষী same as দুভাষী (see দু). ̃মনা same as দুমনা (see দু). ̃মুখো same as দুমুখো (see দু). ̃মেটে same as দুমেটে (see দু). ̃য়ানি pop. spell. of দোআনি । ̃য়াব pop. spell. of দোআব । ̃রঙা a. bi-coloured. ̃রকা, ̃রোকা a. embroidered on both sides. ̃রসা a. (of fish etc.) partly decomposed or rotten, half-decomposed or half-rotten; (of soil) loamy. ̃শালা n. a shawl woven in double plaits, a doubly plaited shawl; any one of a pair of costly shawls. ̃সুতি same as দুসুতি (see দু). ̃হাতিয়া, ̃হাথিয়া, ̃হাত্তা same as দুহাতিয়া (see দু). 59)
(p. 506) durabhisandhi an evil design or purpose, a sinister motive. ̃মূলক a. stemming from a sinister motive, ill-motivated. 14)
(p. 508) dṛḍh়ībhūta that which has become strong, or stronger, strengthened; that which has become firm or more firm; that which has become tight or taut, tightened or tautened; confirmed; firmly established; congealed. 98)
(p. 522) dbāṣaṣṭi sixty-two. ̃তম a. sixty-second. fem. ̃তমী । 50)
(p. 499) didā (in affection) a grandmother or a granddaughter. 11)
(p. 480) daṃśita bitten; stung. 11)
(p. 507) durgraha1 (astrol.) a malicious or ill-boding star. 21)
(p. 517) dēhātmapratyaẏa the belief in the identity of the body and the soul, the belief that the body is the soul; materialistic belief. 37)
(p. 508) duṣkṛta a wicked act, a misdeed; a mischief; a crime; a sin. a. done wickedly or mischievously; done in grief. ̃কারী, দুষ্কৃতী a. one who has committed a wicked act or a crime or a sin; given to wickedness, evil-doing; mischievous; criminal; sinning, sinful. দুষ্কৃতি n. a wicked act, a misdeed; a mischief; a crime; a sin; misfortune. 66)
(p. 522) dbyatmabādī (phil.) dualistic. n. (phil.) a dualist. 87)
(p. 517) dōbajā a kind of large and coarse cotton scarf. 75)
(p. 517) dēhāta a village, countryside. 34)
(p. 485) dastura a custom or practice, a usage; a convention; a rule. ̃মতো, ̃মাফিয়া a. in keeping with custom or convention or rule, customary, conventional. adv. thoroughly, quite. 88)
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