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দক্ষিণাবর্ত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দক্ষিণাবর্ত : (p. 481) dakṣiṇābarta moving or winding clockwise; clockwise, dextral. n. the Deccan. 6)


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(p. 517) dēri delay. দেরি করা v. to be late; to delay. দেরি করানো v. to defer, to procrastinate, to delay; to cause to delay. দেরি হওয়া v. to be late; to be delayed. 21)
(p. 492) dākhilā a rent-receipt (esp. one issued to a tenant by the landowner). 12)
(p. 485) daśā state, condition (দুর্দশা); disposition (মনের দশা); a phase, a stage (শেষ দশা); one of the ten phases of the human mind, namely, volition, thought, memory, adoration, worry, delirium, madness, illness, infirmity, death (all collectively called দশদশা); one of the ten stages of human life, namely, staying in the womb, birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence and celibacy, youth, old age, decrepitude, the last gasp, and death (all stages collectivly called দশদশা); (astrol.) the planetary influence on a person's life (শনির দশা); a Hindu obsequial rite observed on the tenth day of death; any of the ten forms of devotion or charity according to Vaishnavas, namely, audition, glorification, recollection or enumeration of qualities and graces, worship, adoration, obeisance or genuflection, attendance or servitude, friendship or attachment, self-sacrifice in love, and unification; (religious) trance or reverie (দশায় পড়া). দশায় পড়া v. to fall into a state, to run into a condition; to fall into a trance whilst singing or hearing kirtan (কীর্তন) songs. 74)
(p. 492) dātra a heavy knife or chopper with a haft. 27)
(p. 480) dakṣiṇa the south; the right hand side, the right. a. southern, south; Antarctic; dexter, right (দক্ষিণ হস্ত); favourable, pleased, graceful (রুদ্রের দক্ষিণ মুখ); (rhet.) a gallant who can love several women equally at the same time. অয়নান্ত n. winter solstice. ̃কালিকা, দক্ষিণাকালী n. a manifestation of Goddess Kali (কালী). ̃পন্হী a. rightist. n. a rightist in politics. দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিম n. & a. south-west. □ a. south-western. দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব n. & a. south-east. □ a. southeastern. ̃মেরু n. the South Pole. ̃মেরু অঞ্চল the Antarctic. ̃হস্ত n. the right hand; (fig.) the principal support or helper, one's right-hand man. দক্ষিণহস্তের ব্যাপার the affair or business of taking one's meal, eating. 17)
(p. 492) dādarā an Indian musical measure. 33)
(p. 485) daśi a thin strip or shred or tatting of cloth usually rolled into a wick of a lamp; a wick thus made. 81)
(p. 492) dān̐ḍ়i1 a punctuation mark serving the purpose of a full stop (।); a beam of balance, a pair of scales. 2)
(p. 522) draḍh়īẏasī of দ্রঢ়ীয়ান । 97)
(p. 481) dantī toothed, dentate; having a tusk or a dreadful tooth; rodent. n. the elephant; the hog; a rodent; (collect.) the Rodentia. 41)
(p. 508) dēkhatā seen; occurring before one's eyes. adv. before one's eyes; contemporaneously. 118)
(p. 481) dadhi curdled milk, curd. ̃ভান্ড n. a pail containing curd. ̃মঙ্গল n. a ritual of feeding a Hindu bride in the small hours previous to the wedding day. ̃মন্হন n. act of churning milk into butter or act of churning curd into whey. দধিমন্হন করা v. to churn milk into butter or to churn curd into whey. ̃মন্হনদণ্ড n. a churning rod or stick. ̃সার n. butter or cream. 34)
(p. 508) dēōẏāla a wall. দেওয়ান তোলা, দেওয়াল দেওয়া v. to raise or build a wall. দেওয়াল দিয়ে ঘেরা বা বন্ধ করা v. to wall up. দেওয়াল ঘড়ি n. a wall-clock. দেওয়াল-পঞ্জি n. a wall-calendar. দেওয়াল-লিখন n. writing on the wall. 113)
(p. 522) dbija twice-born; having two births (once from mother's womb and then again through religious sacraments or from eggs etc.); regenerated. n. (pop.) a Brahman; any oviparous creature such as a bird, an ant, a fish etc. fem. দ্বিজা। ̃পতি, ̃বর, ̃রাজ, দ্বিজেন্দ্র, দ্বিজোত্তম, ̃সত্তম n. an excellent or distinguished Brahman. 55)
(p. 508) dulaki a slow jerking motion as of a palanquin or a horse, trot. দুলকি চালে চলা v. to trot; (of a person) to walk slowly with an air of self-importance and ease. 48)
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