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অগ্র এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অগ্র : (p. 7) agra the top, the summit; an apex; an end or extremity; the front; the front portion; the surface or the portion at the surface (দধির অগ্র); an aim, a purpose (একাগ্র). a. first, foremost, primary, leading; chief; anterior. ̃ক্রয়াধিকার n. the right of pre-emption. ̃গণ্য a. deserving first preference or consideration or mention; foremost; best; principal. ̃গতি, ̃গমন n. forward movement, advancement; progress, promotion, development, increase; (astr.) progressive motion, progression. ̃গামী a. moving forward or to the front; leading; progressive. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জ a. born earlier, senior in age, elder, older. n. the eldest or an elder brother. ̃জিহ্বা n. the uvula, the epiglottis. ̃জ্ঞান n. foreknowledge; anticipation. ̃ণী a. leading, chief, best. n. a leader; an inaugurator or initiator; a pioneer. ̃দত্ত n. imprest money. ̃দানী n. a Brahmin (ব্রাহ্মণ) who receives offerings on behalf of a dead person's soul and consequently is socially degraded. ̃দূত n. (mil.) a pioneer; an escort, a guide; a leader; (loos.) a forerunner, a precursor, a harbinger. ̃নেতা n. a leader; an army commander. ̃পশ্চাত্ adv. considering what is before and after; having foresight and hindsight; pro and con; comprehensively. ̃বর্তী a. situated in the front; leading; advanced. fem. ̃বর্তিনীভাগ n. the first part or share; top peak; an extremity or end. ̃মহিষী n. the queen-consort. ̃সর, ̃সার a. going first or commencing, leading; moving forward, advancing. ̃সরণ n. advancement. অগ্রসর হওয়া v. to move forward, to advance; to progress. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. situated in the front, on the top or at end, apical. 14)


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(p. 41) apada having no feet or legs, apod. 72)
(p. 80) aśani thunderbolt; thunder; lightning. ̃গর্জন, ̃পতন, ̃পাত, ̃সম্পাত n. a crash of thunder, thunderclap. 19)
অগা, অগাকান্ত, অগাচণ্ডী
(p. 2) agā, agākānta, agācaṇḍī (coll.) grossly stupid or ignorant; good-for-nothing. n. such a person. 127)
(p. 38) antḥsīmā inner lines. 46)
(p. 83) aṣṭāha eight days. 29)
(p. 9) acala motionless, immobile; stationary, static (অচল তড়িত্); unwavering; firm, steady; gone out of practice, not current, obsolete (অচল প্রথা); counterfeit or forged (অচল টাকা বা নোট); that which cannot be kept going, unmaintainable (অচল সংসার); invalid; untenable (অচল যুক্তি); unserviceable (অচল ঘড়ি); impracticable (অচল প্রস্তাব); (of persons) cast off (সমাজে অচল). n. a mountain, a hill. অচল অবস্হা, অচলাবস্হা lack of progress; a deadlock, an impasse, a stalemate, standstill. ̃ন n. state of being out of practice or currency, obsoleteness. ̃নীয় a. incapable of being introduced or circulated. 44)
(p. 90) asbābhābika unusual; unnatural; abnormal; rare. ̃তা n. unusualness; unnaturalness; abnormalcy; rarity. 76)
(p. 63) abhibyakti thorough manifestation or expression or development; gradual manifestation or development, evolution. ̃বাদ n. the theory of evolution. 94)
(p. 24) ananugata not obedient, disobedient. 8)
(p. 30) anucara accompanying; attending, attendant; following. n. a companion; an attendant; a follower. fem. অনুচরী । ̃বর্গ n. pl. retinue, a suite or train of companions or attendants. 32)
(p. 26) anastamita not set; not disappeared or declined. 30)
অলকাতিলক, অলকাতিলকা
(p. 78) alakātilaka, alakātilakā painting on one's face with sandal-paste. 20)
(p. 80) aśālīna indecorous, indecent; in bad taste; not courteous. ̃তা n. indecency, indecorum, lack of decorum or decency. 25)
অসমাপিত, অসমাপ্ত
(p. 87) asamāpita, asamāpta unfinished; not ended or concluded or terminated; not over; not completed, incomplete. অসমাপ্তি n. state of being not finished or ended or concluded or terminated or completed, incompletion. 28)
(p. 73) araghaṭṭa a draw-well; an apparatus for drawing water from a well. 40)
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