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unhesitating; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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অকুণ্ঠ, অকুণ্ঠিত
(p. 2) akuṇṭha, akuṇṭhita unhesitating; unabashed; ungrudging, without reserve, liberal (অকুণ্ঠ দান বা প্রশংসা). অকুণ্ঠচিত্তে, অকুণ্ঠিতচিত্তে adv. with no hesitation (in the mind), with an open mind; unhesitatingly; ungrudgingly, liberally, freely. 51)
(p. 56) abalīlā dalliance; absence of strain or effort; carefree manner or state; ease; absence of hesitation; promptness, readiness. ̃ক্রমে, ̃ভরে, ̃য় adv. playfully; without strain or effort, without toil and trouble, effortlessly; easily; in a carefree manner; unhesitatingly, promptly, readily. 14)
(p. 73) amlāna unfaded; unfading; not withered (অম্লানকুসুম); not soiled or tarnished; not saddened or gloomy; unhesitating, unperturbed, expressionless (অম্লানমুখ, অম্লানবদন). ̃বদনে adv. glibly, without hesitation. 3)
(p. 85) asaṅkucita unhesitating; free; open; frank; liberal; not contracted. 2)
(p. 85) asaṅkōca absence of hesitation; openness; frankness; liberality; absence of contraction. অসংকোচে adv. unhesitatingly; freely; frankly; liberally. 3)
(p. 85) asandigdha unsuspicious, undoubting; unhesitating; doubtless, sure, certain. ̃চরিত্র a. unsuspecting; credulous. n. a character above suspicion. ̃চিত্তে adv. with mind free from suspicion or doubt or hesitation; unsuspiciously; unhesitatingly. 50)
(p. 568) niḥ denoting: want, absence, certainty, overmuchness, completeness, direction towards outside etc. less, un-, non-, over-, de-, dis-, out- etc. নিঃক্ষত্র, নিঃক্ষত্রিয় a. devoid of Kshatriyas (ক্ষত্রিয়). নিঃশঙ্ক a. fearless, intrepid; undaunted. নিঃশঙ্কচিত্ত a. having a dauntless heart. নিঃশঙ্কচিত্তে adv. without any fear at heart; with a dauntless heart. নিঃশত্রু a. without an enemy. নিঃশব্দ a. noiseless, silent. নিঃশব্দপদসঞ্চারে adv. stepping silently or noiselessly, in or with stealthy footsteps. নিঃশব্দে adv. noiselessly, silently. নিঃশর্ত a. unconditional (নিঃশর্ত আত্মসমর্পণ). নিঃশেষ a. leaving no remainder (সমস্ত টাকা নিঃশেষ); thoroughly exhausted or consumed; utterly impoverished (দান করেই সে নিঃশেষ); utterly ruined (সে মামলাতে নিঃশেষ); complete, thorough, full (নিঃশেষ অধিকার). নিঃশেষিত a. thoroughly spent up or exhausted or consumed. নিঃশ্বসন n. breathing; respiration; exhalation. নিঃশ্বসিত a. breathed in or out; exhaled. নিঃশ্বাস n. exhalation; breathing; breath; sigh. নিশ্বাস ছাড়া, নিঃশ্বাস ফেলা v. to exhale; to breathe; to sigh. নিঃশ্বাস ফেলার অবসর least respite, a breathing-interval, time to breathe, breathing space. নিঃশ্বাস বন্ধ বা রোধ করা v. to hold one's breath. নিঃশ্বাস রোধ করে হত্যা করা to strangle or throttle (one) to death. নিঃশ্বাস বন্ধ বা রোধ হওয়া v. to be suffocated (গরমে নিঃশ্বাস বন্ধ হওয়া); to be out of breath (খাটুনির চোটে নিঃশ্বাস বন্ধ হওয়া); to cease to breathe, to die. নিঃশ্বাস নেওয়া v. to breathe in, to inhale; to breathe, to respire. এক নিঃশ্বাসে in a breath. নিঃশ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস n. breathing in and out, respiration. নিঃশ্বাসের দুর্গন্ধ n. bad breath, halitosis. নিঃসংজ্ঞ a. unconscious, fainted, swooned. নিঃসংশয় a. free or freed from doubt or hesitation, undoubting; unhesitating; convinced; doubtless; certain, sure, positive. নিঃসংশয়ে adv. unhesitatingly; undoubtedly; certainly, surely, positively. নিঃসঙ্কোচ a. unhesitating. নিঃসঙ্কোচে adv. unhesitatingly, without hesitation. নিঃসঙ্গ a. companionless, unattended, lonely; disinterested, callous; detached, unrelated. নিঃসত্ত্ব a. having no substance or esse, unsubstantial; inexistent; weak, feeble; lifeless; inanimate; devoid of living creatures. নিঃসন্তান a. childless. নিঃসন্দিগ্ধ a. same as নিঃসন্দেহ । নিঃসন্দেহ a. free from doubt, undoubting, unsuspecting; convinced; undoubted; sure, positive. নিঃসন্দেহে adv. undoubtingly; undoubtedly, doubtlessly; surely, positively. নিঃসপত্ন a. having no enemy; without any adversary or rival. নিঃসম্পর্ক a. unrelated, unconnected; not related by blood; detached. নিঃসম্বল a. resourceless; destitute; indigent; penniless; (coll.) broke. নিঃসরণ n. act of going or coming out; act of flowing out; ejection, emission, exudation, issue, escape. নিঃসহায় a. helpless. নিঃসাড় a. giving no response; silent; unconscious; motionless; noiseless (নিঃসারে চলা). নিঃসারক a. causing to go or come or flow out; emitting; discharging; purging; ejecting; causing to issue or escape; extracting; expelling. নিঃসারণ n. act of going or coming or flowing out; emission; discharge; purgation; ejection; issue, escape; extraction; expulsion. নিঃসারিত a. gone or come or flowed out; emitted; ejected; issued, exuded; expelled. নিঃসীম a. endless, boundless; infinite. নিঃসীম শূন্য n. the boundless sky. নিঃসৃত same as নিঃসারিত । নিঃস্পৃহ a. having no desire or liking for; unattached; disinterested, callous. নিঃস্পৃহতা n. absence of desire or liking; disinterestedness, collousness. নিঃস্ব a. destitute; indigent, utterly poor. নিঃস্বতা n. destitution; indigence, utter poverty. নিঃস্বন n. sound, noise; voice; (of birds) a note. নিঃস্বর a. voiceless; silent. নিঃস্রব, নিঃস্রাব n. exudation. 20)
(p. 586) nirbikalpa without an alternative, absolute; untransfigured, without transfiguration; unerring or unhesitating, sure; having no distinction between the cognizer and the cognizable, completely identified with or absorbed into the Infinite. n. absolute or final knowledge. নির্বিকল্প সমাধি a trance or profound meditation in which one is completely identified with or absorbed into the Infinite. 6)
(p. 672) pragalbha boastful, bragging; voluble; impertinent, saucy, impudent; unhesitating; smart; intrepid, bold; speaking unhesitatingly or smartly. প্রগল্ভা a. fem. of প্রগল্ভ । n. a very sportive and wanton young woman. ̃তা n. boasting; bragging; volubility; impertinence, sauciness, impudence; absence of hesitation; smartness; intrepidity; unhesitating or smart talk. 5)
(p. 867) mukta having attained salvation, freed from earthly bondage or ties or attachments (মুক্ত পুরুষ); dispassionate, unaffected, unprejudiced, free (মুক্ত মন); liberal, bountiful; released, freed (কারামুক্ত); extricated (বিপদমুক্ত); acquitted, freed, discharged (দায়মুক্ত); loosened (বন্ধনমুক্ত); cured of, recovered from (রোগমুক্ত); unbolted (মুক্তদ্বার); unobstructed, open, free (মুক্তধারা, মুক্তবায়ু); unrestricted; untied, unfastened, bare (মুক্তকৃপাণ); delivered from or of (গর্ভমুক্ত); rescued; liberated; relieved of (ভয়মুক্ত); removed, cleared. মুক্ত করা v. to give salvation, to free from earthly bondage; to free (from); to release; to extricate; to acquit; to discharge; to loosen; to cure of; to open, to unbolt; to free from obstacles or restrictions; to untie, to unfasten; to unsheathe; to deliver from or of; to rescue; to liberate; to relieve (of); (loos.) to remove, to clear. ̃কচ্ছ a. one with the portion of the loincloth hanging loose instead of remaining tucked at the back of the waist between one's legs; (fig.) hurrying excessively and ludicrously, (cp.) having the tail between the legs. ̃কন্ঠে adv. in a loud voice; speaking freely or unhesitatingly. ̃কেশী a. fem. having one's hair hanging loose. n. Goddess Kali (কালী). মুক্ত ছন্দ (pros.) free verse. মুক্ত নগরী an undefended or open city; liberated city. ̃পুরুষ n. (loos.) a man freed from obstacles or hindrances. মুক্ত বন্দর a free port. ̃বেণি a. having hair not tied up in a chignon. n. the confluence of Tribeni (ত্রিবেণি) at Allahabad. ̃হস্ত a. open-handed; munificent, generous. ̃হস্তে adv. in an open-handed manner, liberally. 40)
(p. 963) saṅkōca contraction; curtailment (ব্যয় সংকোচ); hesitation, diffidence. সংকোচ করা v. to contract; to curtail, to cut down; to hesitate. সংকোচ বোধ করা v. to feel hesitation. মরণ সংকোচ n. rigor mortis. সংকোচক a. contracting; curtailing; astringent. সংকোচন n. contraction, curtailment; shutting; (phys.) compression. সংকোচনশীল a. contractile. সংকোচনীয় a. contractible. সংকোচশূন্য, সংকোচহীন a. unhesitating; unabashed; unscrupulous; shameless; smart, free. 28)
(p. 980) sapratibha having genius; unembarrassed; unhesitating; not to be embarrassed; smart, ready and alert to act, prompt and witty; having one's wits about one; having presence of mind. 34)
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