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symbol দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akṣara any of the letters of the alphabet; a syllable; (fig.) a symbolic letter. ̃জীবী, ̃জীবক n. a scribe; a copyist; a printer or compositor, a writer. ̃পরিচয় n. acquaintance with the alphabet; commencement of education; literacy; (fig.) elementary knowledge. ̃বিন্যাস n. the characteristic style of handwriting. ̃বৃত্ত n. (pros.) a system of versification in which the number of letters and not the sounds in a line is taken into account. ̃মালা n. the alphabet. ̃যোজক n. a compositor. অক্ষরীকরণ n. transliteration. অক্ষরে অক্ষরে to the letter, word for word. verbatim; (fig.) with strict exactitude, rigorously. 95)
(p. 41) anyōnya mutual, reciprocal. ̃জীবী n. (bot.) a symbion, a symbiont. a. symbiotic. ̃জীবিত্ব n. symbiosis. ̃তা n. mutuality, reciprocity. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. opposed to each other or one another; contradictory, antagonistic. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. depending on one another or each other, interdependent; correlative; reciprocal. অন্যোন্যভাব n. relative difference, reciprocal absence or negation. অন্যোন্যাশ্রয় n. interdependence, mutual dependence. 34)
(p. 51) apratīka without a symbol; intangible. 12)
(p. 80) aśōka free from grief. n. a kind of flower or its tree, the flamboyant; the great Maurya emperor of India. ̃কানন n. a flamboyant-grove (esp. one in which Sita in the Ramayana was kept as a captive). ̃চক্র n. the symbolic wheel introduced by King Ashoka illustrating the stages of birth prior to salvation (it is the emblem of the official flag of India). ̃বন n. same as ̃কানন । ̃লিপি n. any of the religious and moral edicts of Ashoka inscribed on stone-pillars, an inscription of Ashoka. ̃স্তম্ভ n. any of the stone-pillars of Ashoka on which his edicts are inscribed, an Ashoka pillar (it is the official emblem of India). 38)
(p. 99) ākāra2 the vowel আ or its sound; addition of the vowel-sound আ or the vowel itself to consonants; the postconsonantal symbol of আ । 8)
(p. 123) āẏati1 state of a married woman whose husband is alive; any of the symbols (usu. borne on the person of the wife) indicating this marital state. 5)
(p. 136) ikāra the symbol ি affixed to consonants whilst adding the ই- sound to it; post-consonantal ি symbol. ইকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ই or ই sound. ইকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ই or ই--sound. 15)
(p. 138) ilēka any one of the arithmetical symbols affixed to numerical figures to indicate money or weight. 56)
(p. 141) īkāra the symbol 'ী' affixed to consonants whilst adding the ঈ-sound to it. ঈকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ঈ or ঈ--sound. ঈকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ঈ or ঈ-sound. 3)
(p. 141) īśbara God; the Creator; a god; a creator; a lord, a master, an owner; an overlord, a king; the head of an order etc. (যোগীশ্বর); an appellation added to the name of a deceased person; its symbol is ঁ (ঁভূদেব মুখোপাধ্যায়). ঈশ্বর না করুন God forbid, far be it. ̃কৃপা n. God's mercy; God's grace. ̃চিন্তা n. divine meditation. ̃ত্ব n. godhead; divinity. ̃দত্ত a. God-given. ̃নিষ্ঠ, ̃পরায়ণ a. devoted to God, faithful to god; devout, pious. ̃নিষ্ঠা, ̃পরায়ণতা n. devotion to God; faith in God; piety; godliness. ̃পূজা n. worship of God. ̃প্রণোদিত a. inspired by God. ̃প্রসাদ n. God's grace. ̃প্রসাদে adv. through God's grace; by the grace of God. ̃প্রাপ্তি n. spiritual union with God; death. ̃প্রীতি, ̃প্রেম n. love of or towards God. ̃প্রেমিক a. & n. one who loves God. ˜প্রেরিত a. God-sent, divinely inspired. ̃বাদ n. theism. ̃বাদী a. theistic. n. a theist. ̃বিরোধী a. atheistic. n. an atheist. ̃বিষয়ক a. relating to God. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted to God; devout; pious. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to God; devoutness; piety. ̃ভাব n. godhead; divinity; godliness. ̃ভীরু a. God-fearing. ̃সাধনা n. austerities and meditations leading to communion with God. ̃সৃষ্ট a. created by God. ̃সেবা n. worship of God. 17)
(p. 143) ukāra the symbol 'ু' affixed to a consonant whilst adding the উ-sound to it. উকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with উ or উ-sound. উকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in উ or উ-sound. 11)
(p. 174) ū the sixth vowel of the Bengali alphabet. ঊকার n. the symbol affixed to a consonant whilst adding the ঊ-sound to it. ঊকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ঊ or ঊ - sound. ঊকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ঊ or ঊ - sound. 2)
(p. 176) ṛ the seventh vowel of the Bengali alphabet. ঋকার n. the symbol affixed to a consonant whilst adding the ঋ-sound to it. ঋকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ঋ or ঋ-sound. ঋকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ঋ or ঋ-sound. 2)
(p. 182) ēkāra1 the symbol 'ে' affixed to a consonant whilst adding the এ-sound to it. একারাদি a. (of words) beginning with এ or এ-sound. একারান্ত a. ending in এ or এ-sound. 30)
(p. 187) aikāra the symbol 'ৈ affixed to a consonant whilst adding ঐ--sound to it. ঐকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ঐ or ঐ--sound. ঐকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ঐ or ঐ-sound. 8)
(p. 188) ō the mystic sound denoting the Hindu trinity; the origin or root of all sounds; the symbol representing the Supreme Being. ওঁকার, ওঙ্কার, ওংকার n. the sound ওঁ (cp. chest-note). 5)
(p. 188) ōkāra the post-consonantal symbol 'ো' affixed to a consonant whilst adding the ও--sound to it. ওকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ও or ও--sound. ওকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ও or ও--sound. 10)
(p. 191) aukāra the post-consonantal symbol 'ৌ' affixed to a consonant whilst adding the ঔ- sound to it. ঔকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with ঔ or ঔ- sound. ঔকারান্ত a. (of words) ending in ঔ or ঔ- sound. 3)
(p. 228) kāra4 used as a sfx. indicating: a doer, a maker, a performer, an author, an artist, an artisan etc. (কুম্ভকার, সূপকার, গ্রন্হকার, রূপকার, স্বর্ণকার); utterance (জয়জয়কার, ধিক্কার); an act (নমস্কার, বহিস্কার) any of the post-consonantal symbols (আ-কার, এ-কার); indicative of the genitive case (অদ্যকার, বত্সরকার). 7)
(p. 326) gaurī having a cream-coloured complexion tinged with red; (loos.) faircomplexioned. n. a woman or a girl having a cream-coloured complexion tinged with red; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); an unmarried girl of eight years. ̃কান্ত n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃দান n. giving away in marriage an under-age girl; giving away in marriage an eightyear old Hindu girl. ̃পট্ট n. the pedestal symbolizing Gauri (গৌরী) or Durga on which the symbol of Shiva is placed. ̃শঙ্কর n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) and Shiva (শিব); Mount Everest. 5)
(p. 453) tātā-thai symbolical words or sounds guiding the Tandava (তাণ্ডব) dance; symbolical sound of dance. 63)
(p. 485) dalīẏa relating to a party or community. দলীয় কোঁদল n. inner-party squabble, inner-party quarrel. দলীয় প্রতীক n. party symbol. 70)
(p. 680) pratīka a symbol; a sign. ̃বাদ, ̃তা n. symbolism. প্রতীক ধর্মঘট a token strike. প্রতীকী a. symbolic, symbolical. প্রতীকিতা n. symbolism. 2)
(p. 701) phalā1 a blade (অস্ত্রের ফলা); a thin and tapering end or head (তিরের ফলা); the system of forming compound or conjunct letters of two (or more) consonants (য-ফলা, র-ফলা); any of the consonantal symbols added to another letter (such as. - -য্য,). 27)
(p. 721) basu one of a class of demigods; wealth, riches. ̃ধা n. the earth. ̃ধারা n. an auspicious symbol painted on the inner wall of a room by Hindus at wedding etc. বসুন্ধরা, ̃মতী n. the earth (often personified as mother-earth). 181)
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