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faithful দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 30) anugata obedient, following faithfully, devoted, complying; dependent. অনুগত হওয়া v. to obey; to follow faithfully; to be devoted to; to depend on. 24)
(p. 34) anuyāta gone after or followed after; consequent upon, subsequent to, successive; according (to); following faithfully; done after the example of, imitated; subsidiary, subordinate; secondary. 40)
(p. 36) anurakta inclined or attracted (to); preferring; attached (to); devoted (to); addicted (to); having affection (for), affectionate, loving; following faithfully or with fidelity. fem. অনুরক্তা । অনুরক্তি n. inclination, proneness; preference; attraction; attachment; devotion; addiction; affection, love; fidelity. 3)
(p. 36) anurata devoted (to); attached (to); addicted (to); doting (on); following faithfully or with fidelity, loyal; engaged or occupied earnestly (in). অনুরতি n. devotion; attachment; addiction; faithful following; state of being occupied or engaged earnestly. 9)
(p. 41) anyāsakta (of a husband) attached to some woman not one's wife; adulterous; unfaithful. fem. অন্যাসক্তা । অন্যাসক্তি n. attachment to some man or woman other than one's husband or wife; adultery; unfaithfulness. 32)
(p. 56) abikala (ori.) not defective or crippled; unimpaired, undamaged, undistorted; perfect, whole, complete, entire; exact, precise; resembling in all respects, true to the model (অবিকল চিত্র). adv. exactly, precisely; faithfully to the model. অবিকল প্রতিরূপ a. facsimile, a true or exact copy. 69)
অবিচল, অবিচলিত
(p. 56) abicala, abicalita unmoved, unshaken; unperturbed; unmoved; stolid, calm; not vacillating, unwavering; faithful, firm (অবিচল ভক্তি). ̃কন্ঠেadv. in an unshaken voice, unfalteringly. ̃চিত্তে adv. unperturbedly; unfalteringly; calmly. 81)
(p. 56) abiśbasta untrustworthy, unfaithful, unreliable; perfidious. ̃তা n. untrustworthiness, unreliability; perfidiousness; perfidy. 122)
(p. 56) abiśbāsa distrust, mistrust; incredulity; disbelief; want of conviction or faith; no-confidence; suspicion. অবিশ্বাস করা v. to distrust, to look on with distrust; to disbelieve; to have no faith or confidence in; to treat with suspicion, to suspect. অবিশ্বাসী a. untrustworthy, unfaithful, unreliable; perfidious; distrustful; incredulous; disbelieving; lacking in conviction or faith; suspicious; (esp. in phil.) sceptical. n. a doubter, a disbeliever; (phil.) a sceptic. fem. অবিশ্বাসিনী । অবিশ্বাস্য a. incredible, unbelievable. 123)
(p. 85) asatī unchaste; unfaithful to one's husband. n. such a woman. 34)
(p. 99) ākṣarika relating to a letter or letters of the alphabet; literal (আক্ষরিক অর্থ); accurately faithful; to the letter or literal (আক্ষরিক অনুবাদ). 41)
(p. 114) ānugatya allegiance; fidelity; obedience; fealty; faithful adherence. আনুগত্য স্বীকার করা v. to own allegiance (to); to submit (to). আনুগত্যের শপথ oath of allegiance. 28)
(p. 133) āshābāna confident; faithful; devoted. 29)
(p. 138) imāna religious faith; piety; fidelity; honesty; conscience; conscientiousness. ̃খোর a. faithless, treacherous, perfidious. ̃দার a. faithful (in religion); devout, pious; having fidelity; honest; conscientious. ̃দারি n. faithfulness (in religion); devoutness, piety; fidelity; honesty; conscientiousness. 37)
(p. 141) īśbara God; the Creator; a god; a creator; a lord, a master, an owner; an overlord, a king; the head of an order etc. (যোগীশ্বর); an appellation added to the name of a deceased person; its symbol is ঁ (ঁভূদেব মুখোপাধ্যায়). ঈশ্বর না করুন God forbid, far be it. ̃কৃপা n. God's mercy; God's grace. ̃চিন্তা n. divine meditation. ̃ত্ব n. godhead; divinity. ̃দত্ত a. God-given. ̃নিষ্ঠ, ̃পরায়ণ a. devoted to God, faithful to god; devout, pious. ̃নিষ্ঠা, ̃পরায়ণতা n. devotion to God; faith in God; piety; godliness. ̃পূজা n. worship of God. ̃প্রণোদিত a. inspired by God. ̃প্রসাদ n. God's grace. ̃প্রসাদে adv. through God's grace; by the grace of God. ̃প্রাপ্তি n. spiritual union with God; death. ̃প্রীতি, ̃প্রেম n. love of or towards God. ̃প্রেমিক a. & n. one who loves God. ˜প্রেরিত a. God-sent, divinely inspired. ̃বাদ n. theism. ̃বাদী a. theistic. n. a theist. ̃বিরোধী a. atheistic. n. an atheist. ̃বিষয়ক a. relating to God. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted to God; devout; pious. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to God; devoutness; piety. ̃ভাব n. godhead; divinity; godliness. ̃ভীরু a. God-fearing. ̃সাধনা n. austerities and meditations leading to communion with God. ̃সৃষ্ট a. created by God. ̃সেবা n. worship of God. 17)
(p. 522) dbi two. a. two; double. incomp. bi-, di-, two- etc. দ্বি-অংশক a. (bot.) bimerous. দ্বি-আর্ক a. (bot.) di-arch. দ্বিকক্ষ a. bicameral. ̃কর্মক a. (gr.) having two objects, having double objects. ̃কেশর a. (bot.) diandrous. ̃কোষ a. (bio.) bivalve, bivalvular. ̃কোষ্ঠ a. (bot.) bilocular. ̃খণ্ড, ̃খণ্ডিত a. cut or divided into two (equal or unequal) pieces; bisected; bifurcated. দ্বিখণ্ড করা v. to cut or divide into two pieces; to bisect; to bifurcate. ̃খণ্ডক n. (geom.) a bisector. ̃খণ্ডন n. (geom.) bisection; bifurcation. ̃গর্ভ a. (bio. & zoo.) marsupial; (bot.) bicarpellate. ̃গুচ্ছ a. (bot.) diadelphous. ̃গুণ a. multiplied by two, doubled; two times of; double. ̃গুণিত, ̃গুণীকৃত a. doubled, multiplied by two. ̃ঘাত n. (alg.) quadratic. ̃ঘাত সমীকরণ quadratic equation. অমিশ্র দ্বিঘাত (alg.) pure quadratic. ̃চক্রযান n. a two-wheeler; a bicycle. ̃চত্বারিংশ n. & a. forty-two. ˜চত্বারিংশত্ a. forty-two. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-second. fem. দ্বিচত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃চারিণী a. fem. adulterous, unchaste; unfaithful to one's husband; (ori.) sexually attached to two men. ̃জাতিতত্ত্ব n. the two-nation theory. ̃জিহ্বা a. double-tongued; having a bifurcated or double-pronged tongue; (fig.) given to lying or insincere talk. n. the snake; a liar. ̃তয় a. aggregate of two. n. a couple, a pair; a twin; a couplet. ̃তল a. (of a building) two-storied; (of a ship or other vessels) double-decked; (sc.) dihedral. n. (of a building) the first floor; (of a ship etc.) the upper deck. ̃তলকোণ n. (geom.) dihedral angle. ̃ত্ব n. doubleness; doubling; reduplication; duplication; repetition. ̃দল n. bi-petalous. n. pigeon-pea, dal. ̃দৃক a. binocular. ̃ধাতুক a. bi-metallic. ̃ধাতুমান n. bimetallism. ̃নবতি n. & a. ninety-two. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-second. fem. ̃নবতিতমী । ̃নেত্র a. two-eyed; binocular. ̃নেত্র দৃষ্টি binocular vision. ̃পক্ষ a. two-winged; bipartite (দ্বিপক্ষ দ্বন্দ্ব); having two fortnights; continuing for two fortnights. ̃পঞ্চাশত্ n. & a. fifty-two. ˜পঞ্চাশতম a. fifty-second. fem. ̃পঞ্চাশত্তমী । ̃পত্র বিমান a biplane. ̃পথ a. two-way. ̃পদ a. biped, two-footed, two-legged; (alg.) binomial (দ্বিপদ রাশি = binomial expression). n. a biped. ̃পদসমীকরণ n. (alg.) equation. ̃পদী n. a couplet. ̃পরমাণুক a. (phys.) diatomic. দ্বিপাক্ষিক a. bilateral. ̃পাদ a. same as দ্বিপদ (a.). ̃পার্শ্ব, ̃পার্শ্বীয় a. bilateral (̃দ্বিপার্শ্বীয়-প্রতিসাম্য = bilateral symmetry); biparous. ̃প্রহর n. noon; midnight. ̃বচন n. (gr.) the dual number. ̃বন্ধ n. (chem.) double bond. ̃বর্ষজীবী a. (bot.) biennial. ̃বার্ষিক a. biennial; two years old; the second annual. ̃বাহু a. having two arms, twoarmed; two-sided, bilateral; double-handed (দ্বিবাহু আঘাত); having two branches, bifurcate (দ্বিবাহু পথ). ̃বিধ a. of two sorts or kinds. ̃বীজপত্রী a. (bot.) dicotyledonous. ̃ভাব a. hypocritical; insincere; deceitful; double-minded; hesitant, wavering; two-way; having two attitudes. n. hypocrisy; insincerity; duplicity, deceit; doublemindedness; hesitation; wavering; two ways or attitudes. ̃ভাষী a. speaking two (native or habitual) languages, bilingual. n. an interpreter; a bilingual person. ̃ভুজ a. having two arms or hands, two-handed; having two sides, two-sided. ̃মত n. difference of opinion. দ্বিমত পোষণ করা v. to have a difference of opinion. ̃মাসিক a. bi-monthly. ̃মুখ a. having two mouths or faces, two-mouthed, double-faced; branching into two directions, bifurcate. দ্বিমুখ টেলিগ্রাফ duplex telegraph. ̃মূল a. (phys.) binary. দ্বিমূল যৌগিক binary compound. ̃মেরু a. (phys.) bipolar. ̃রদ n. the elephant. ̃রদরদ n. an elephant's tusk; ivory. ̃রূপ a. having two conflicting forms; (bot.) dimorphic; having two forms (usu. differing from each other); of or having two kinds or sorts. ̃রূপতা n. (bot.) dimorphism. ̃রেফ n. the bumble-bee. ̃লিঙ্গ a. bisexual. ̃শত n. & a. two hundred. ˜শিরস্ক, ̃শিরা, ̃শীর্ষ, ̃শীর্ষক a. twoheaded, bicephalous. ̃ষষ্ট a. sixty-second. ̃ষষ্টি n. & a. sixty-two. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-second. fem. দ্বিষষ্টিতমী । ̃সপ্ততি n. & a. seventy-two. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-second. fem. দ্বিসপ্ততিতমী । ̃সমাত্রিভূজ n. (geom.) an isosceles triangle. ̃সূত্র, ̃সূত্রী a. (bot.) bifilar. 52)
(p. 606) pati a husband; a master, an employer, a boss; an owner; an overlord, a ruler, a king; a chief; a leader. ̃গৃহ n. the husband's house, a woman's husband's house. পতিংবরা a. & n. fem. one who selects or chooses one's husband. ˜ঘাতিনী a. & n. fem. one who murders or kills one's husband; one who is the cause of one's husband's death. ̃ত্ব n. the state of being a husband; state of being a master or employer or boss; ownership; overlordship; rulership; kingship; office or post of a chief; leadership. পতিত্বে বরণ করা v. to accept or take as one's husband. ̃ত্যাগ n. act of deserting or divorcing one's husband. ̃দেবতা n. one's husband regarded as one's deity. ̃পরায়ণা a. fem. extremely devoted (and faithful) to one's husband. ̃-পত্নী n. husband and wife. ̃-পুত্র n. a husband and a son or sons. ̃পুত্রহীনা a. deprived of both husband and son. ̃প্রাণা a. fem. one who looks upon one's husband as one's life; one who can hardly live without one's husband, extremely devoted to one's husband. ̃বত্নী a. fem. having one's husband living. ̃বিয়োগ n. death of one's husband. ̃বিরহ n. separation (temporary or permanent) from one's husband. ̃বিরহিণী a. fem. separated (temporarily or permanently) from one's husband. ̃ব্রতা a. fem. one who has taken the vow of serving one's husband; extremely devoted to one's husband. ̃মতী a. fem. having a master or ruler. (পতিমতী পৃথ্বী). ̃সেবা n. serving one's husband. ̃হীনা a. widowed. পতিহীনা নারী a widow. 29)
(p. 638) pātibratya faithful or loyal devotion of a wife to her husband. 51)
(p. 654) pēṭēla the headman of a village; a leader; a faithful supporter or follower. 138)
(p. 665) pēṭōẏā obedient, faithfully following; cringing; patronized; favourite; dependent. 4)
(p. 682) prathā usage, custom, practice; system, method. ̃গত a. customary. ̃নুগ a. in accordance with custom; customary; conventional. ̃নুগত্য n. loyalty or faithfulness to custom or convention. ̃নুসারে adv. according to the custom or practice or system, customarily. ̃মতো adv. according to or in accordance with custom or convention; conventionally. 9)
(p. 684) prabhu a master, a lord; an overlord; an employer; a husband; an owner; a king; God; a superman; a holy or very reverend man. প্রভুতা, প্রভুত্ব n. mastery, authority; predominance; overlordship, supremacy; ownership; sovereignty, rule. প্রভুত্ব করা v. to lord it over; to rule, to govern. ̃ব্যঞ্জক a. imperious; authoritative; peremptory; domineering; bossy. ̃পত্নী n. fem. a mistress. ̃পরায়ণ same as প্রভুভক্ত । ̃পাদ n. a title of honour affixed to the names of the religious teachers of Vaishnavas (বৈষ্ণব). ̃ভক্ত a. devoted or faithful to one's master; loyal. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion or faithfulness to one's master; loyalty. ̃শক্তি n. governmental power or authority, ruling power; domination, dominance; authority; influence. 37)
(p. 748) bāhana a riding animal, a mount; a vehicle; a medium (শিক্ষার বাহন); (iron.) a faithful follower; (dial.) rowing. sfx. denoting: mounting on (মহিষবাহন). 41)
(p. 773) biśbasta faithful; trusty, trustworthy, reliable, true; bonafide; believing; trusting, trustful, relying; confident. fem. বিশ্বস্তা । ̃তা n. trustworthiness; sincerity, bona fides. ̃সূত্রে adv. from a reliable source. 14)
(p. 782) bēimāna perfidious, unfaithful, false; (loos.) false to one's religious faith (esp. to Islam). বেইমানি n. perfidy. 39)
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