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debate; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 50) apratarkya that which cannot be settled by discussion or debate; beyond logic and reason; not to be disputed or called in question; undiscussable, undebatable. 21)
(p. 56) abitarkita undebatable, unquestioned, undisputed. 90)
(p. 192) kacāla irritating discussion or debate or dispute. কচালে a. indulging in irritating discussion or debate or dispute. 36)
(p. 280) khin̐ca a grit; a slight defect or omission or trouble or difficulty; discord or disagreement, a hitch; a pull or sprain or cramp; a debate or argument. খিঁচ ধরা v. to have a sprain or cramp. খিঁচ পড়া v. to have a slight defect or omission. খিঁচ মারা v. to give a pull. খিঁচ মিটানো v. to settle a dispute, to end a quarrel or misunderstanding. খিঁচ লাগা v. to have a sprain or cramp; to be stricken with discord or disagreement; to have a slight trouble or difficulty. 36)
(p. 386) jaṭalā an irregular assemblage of persons debating about or discussing something; an assemblage; a crowd, a multitude; (loos.) hullabaloo. জটলা করা v. to form an assembly, to make a clique. 16)
(p. 442) takarāra an argument, a debate; an altercation. 9)
(p. 449) tarka a debate, an argument; reasoning; logic (তর্কশাস্ত্র); cause; discussion; consideration (মনে মনে তর্ক); dispute, controversy; altercation; doubt; assumption. তর্ক করা v. to debate; to argue; to reason; to discuss, to consider; to dispute; to altercate, to bandy words. ̃কারী a. & n. one who debates or argues or reasons or considers or disputes or altercates or bandies words; one who chops logic. ̃জাল n. array of arguments; (derog.) cobweb of argument. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা, ̃শাস্ত্র n. logic. ̃বিতর্ক n. debate; altercation; arguments; bandying of words. ̃যুদ্ধ n. war of words. ̃যোগ্য a. arguable; debatable; controversial. ̃সাধ্য a. arguable; disputable; debatable. তর্কাতর্কি same as তর্কবিতর্ক । তর্কাভাস n. sophistry; a sophism. তর্কের খাতিরে adv. for the sake of argument. 74)
(p. 449) tarkita debated; argued; discussed, considered; probable; anticipated; assumed. 75)
(p. 449) tarkī versed in logic or reasoning, one who debates or argues or bandies words; one who chops logic; given to debating or arguing. n. a logician. 76)
(p. 593) naiẏāẏika a logician; a dialectician; a sophist, a debater. 103)
(p. 593) nyāẏa reasoning; argument; principle; justice, equity; truth; righteousness; honesty; propriety; the science of reasoning, logic; dialectics; a logical and philosophical treatise compiled by Gautama; a syllogism; (rare) a debate. prep. like, as, similar to, same as. ন্যায়ের তর্ক, ন্যায়ের বিচার a logical discussion; (dero.) sophistry. ন্যায়ের ফাঁকি a logical fallacy. ন্যায়ের ভাষ্য explanation of a logical point. ন্যায়-অন্যায় যেভাবেই হোক by fair means or foul. ন্যায়ত adv. according to or in keeping with justice, justly, rightly, properly. ̃তীর্থ n. a holy bed of logic; a title given to graduates in Sanskrit (or Indian) logic and philosophy. ̃নিষ্ঠা a. upright; righteous. ̃নিষ্ঠতা, ̃নিষ্ঠা n. uprightness; righteousness; integrity. ̃পথ n. the path of justice or uprightness; the right or rightful way; the path of righteousness or rectitude; the path of reasoning. ন্যায়পথ অবলম্বন করা v. to act justly or uprightly; to obey reasoning. ̃পথাবলম্বী a. one who follows the path of justice or uprightness; one who follows the right or rightful way; obedient to reasoning. fem. ̃পথাবলম্বিনী । ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ, ̃বান same as ̃নিষ্ঠ। fem. ̃পরায়ণা । ̃পরতা, পরায়ণতা, ̃বত্তা same as ন্যায়নিষ্ঠা । ̃বিচার n. justice, equity; judging uprightly. ̃বিচারক n. an upright judge. ̃বিচারশূন্য a. incapable of judging correctly; contrary to justice or uprightness; devoid of a sense of justice; unjust. ̃বিরুদ্ধ a. unjust, unfair; improper; unreasonable, illogical. ̃বুদ্ধি n. sense of justice or discernment; conscience; conscientiousness. ̃বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন a. endowed with a sense of justice or discernment; conscientious; fem. ̃বুদ্ধিসম্পন্না । ̃বুদ্ধিহীন a. deprived of the sense of justice or discernment; unscrupulous. fem. ̃বুদ্ধিহীনা । ̃বোধ n. sense of justice. ̃মার্গ same as ন্যায়পথ । ̃রত্ন n. a jewel of a logician or philosopher; a title awarded to some Sanskrit scholars. ̃শাসন n. administration or dispensation of justice; just or upright administration or government. ̃শাস্ত্র n. the art and science of reasoning, logic; a logical treatise. ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত a. lawful; legal; legally sound; just; proper; reasonable; equitable. ̃সংহিতা n. a code of civil laws, a civil code. ̃সূত্র n. any of the aphorisms contained in Gautama's treatise on logic; a moral precept. ন্যায়াধিকার n. lawful right or jurisdiction; civil administration; the judiciary. ন্যায়াধিকরণ n. a law-court, a court of justice; a civil court. ন্যায়াধীশ n. a judge, a justice. ন্যায়ালয় n. a court of justice, a law-court. ন্যায়িক a. judicial. ন্যায়োপেত same as ন্যায্য । 137)
(p. 601) pakṣa a lunar fortnight (কৃষ্ণপক্ষ, শুক্লপক্ষ); a period of fifteen days, a fortnight (দুই পক্ষকাল); (of birds) a wing, a feather; (of fish) a fin; (of an arrow) a feather; a team, a party, a side (পক্ষভুক্ত); a direction or side or hand (পক্ষান্তরে); a flank, a side (পক্ষাঘাত); question or answer in a debate, support or opposition, a thesis or an antithesis (পূর্বপক্ষ, উত্তরপক্ষ); behalf (তার পক্ষে উকিল দাঁড়ায়নি); state or condition (পারতপক্ষে); (of a person married, more than once) marriage (দ্বিতীয় পক্ষের স্ত্রী); a husband or wife, spouse (এটি তার তৃতীয়পক্ষ). ̃ক n. (bot.) a. a pinule. ̃গ্রহণ same as পক্ষাবলম্বন । ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন n. act of cutting off or clipping one's wings; (fig.) act of making powerless; refutation of one's argument. পক্ষচ্ছেদ করা, পক্ষচ্ছেদন করা v. to cut off or clip one's wings; (fig.) to render powerless. ̃ধর a. winged. n. a bird; the moon. ̃পাত, ̃পাতিতা, ̃পাতিত্ব n. partiality; unreasonable love or fondness (for), favouritism, bias, preference (ছেলের প্রতি মায়ের পক্ষপাত). ̃পাতদুষ্ট a. biased, partial; corrupted with partiality or favouritism. পাতশূন্য a. impartial, unbiased. পক্ষপাতী a. partial, prejudicial; biased, prejudiced; inclined to favouring, prone or leaning to. fem. ̃পাতিনী । ̃পুট n. the inner part or inside of a wing. ̃পুটে adv. under cover of wings, within the wings; (fig.) under one's protection. ̃ভুক্ত a. included in a side or team. ̃ভেদ n. act of distinguishing one side from another; (chiefly pol.) disintegration of a party; differentiation of the two opposing sides of an argument. ̃ল a. winged; having a fin or fins; (bot.) pinnate. ̃শিরাবিন্যাস n. (bot.) pinnate venation. ̃শিরিত a. (bot.) pinnately veined. ̃সঞ্চালন n. act of flapping or moving one's wings (as by a bird). ̃সঞ্চালন করা v. to flap or move one's wings. ̃সমর্থক same as পক্ষাবলম্বী । ̃সমর্থন same as পক্ষাবলম্বন । ̃সমর্থনকারী same as পক্ষাবলম্বী । fem. ̃সমর্থনকারীণী । 16)
(p. 654) pūrba the east; precedence in time or place (পূর্বকথিত); front; the past (পূর্বে দ্রাবিড়রা এ দেশে বাস করত). a. first; senior in age; past, former, preceding; eastern. -পূর্বক in comp. having in advance; having first made or done (প্রণামপূর্বক); with (প্রীতিপূর্বক). ̃কথিত a. aforesaid. ̃কায় n. the upper part of the body. ̃কাল n. the past; ancient times; former times. ̃কালিক, ̃কালীন a. of the past, past; of ancient times, ancient; former times, former. ̃কৃত a. previously or formerly done; done beforehand; done in anticipation. ̃গামী a. going east or eastwards; going before, preceding; previous; antecedent. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জ a. born before, elder. n. an elder brother. ̃জা a. fem. of পূর্বজ । n. fem. an elder sister. ̃জন্ম n. a previous or former birth. ̃জন্মার্জিত a. acquired during a former or previous birth. ̃জীবন n. a previous or former birth; the past life; early life (cp. উত্তরজীবন). ̃জ্ঞান n. past experiences; knowledge acquired during a former birth; anticipation. ̃তন a. former; previous; past. ̃দক্ষিণ n. south-east. a. south-eastern. ̃দিক n. the east. ̃দৃষ্ট a. previously seen; anticipated; foreseen. ̃দৃষ্টি n. foresight. ̃দেশ n. an eastern country or region, the east, the orient. ̃দেশীয় a. of an eastern country or region; (rare) oriental. ̃ধারণা n. preconception, preconceived notion. ̃নিরীক্ষিত a. preaudited. ̃নিরূপিত a. predestined; foreordained. ̃পক্ষ n. a complaint; a plaint; (log.) a question, a problem for debate or discussion, the first part of an argument, a proposition. ̃পরিকল্পনা n. preplanning. ̃পরিকল্পিত a. preplanned. ̃পরিচয় n. previous acquaintance. ̃পরিচিত a. acquainted from before, formerly or already known. fem. ̃পরিচিতা । ̃পরিচিতি n. previous acquaintance. ̃পুরুষ n. an ancestor, a forefather; a former generation. ̃প্রচলিত a. formerly current or prevalent, current or prevalent in the past, previously in vogue. ̃ফল্গুনী n. (astrol.) the eleventh of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃বঙ্গ Eastern Bengal, East Bengal. ̃বত্ adv. as before. a. (log.) a priori. ̃বর্ণিত a. described or narrated before, aforementioned, aforesaid. ̃বর্তিতা n. precedence; antecedence; priority; seniority; fore-existence. ̃বর্তী a. preceding; antecedent; prior; senior; fore-existent; previous; former. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ̃বাদ n. a complaint. ̃বাদী n. a complainant. ̃ভাগ n. the forepart; the front; the eastern part. ̃ভাদ্রপদ, ̃ভাদ্রপদা n. (astrol.) the twenty-fifth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃ভাব n. the former or original state or condition. ̃ভাষ n. preface, a foreword. ̃মত n. the former opinion. ̃মীমাংসা n. a philosophical treatise by Jaimini the ancient sage; philosophical doctrine of Jaimini and his followers. ̃রঙ্গ n. the prologue (of a drama); a prelude. ̃রাগ n. amorous attraction felt even before acquaintance with the lover; (inc.) courtship. ̃রাত্র n. the first part or quarter of a night; early night; (loos.) the previous or last night. ̃রাত্রি n. last night; the previous night. ̃রাশি n. (math.) antecedent. ̃লক্ষণ n. a presage; a foreboding. পূর্বলক্ষণ প্রকাশ করা v. to presage; to forebode. ̃সংস্কার n. a notion or idea or impression or habit formed during a former birth or in the past. পূর্বাচল, পূর্বাদ্রি n. an imaginary eastern mountain from behind which the sun is believed to rise daily. পূর্বাদেশ n. a previous order. পূর্বাদেশ প্রত্যাহার করা to rescind a previous order. পূর্বাধিকার n. possession or right obtained earlier; priority; the right or claim of the first-born, primogeniture; former right or claim. পূর্বানুবৃত্তি n. continuation (of some account already begun). পূর্বাপর a. (also. adv.) from beginning to end, alpha and omega, thorough. পূর্বাপর বিবেচনা করা to consider the connected line of events, to consider the pros and cons of a proposal, to look before and after. পূর্বাপরবিরোধ n. inconsistency of acts or contexts of different times. পূর্বাপর-বৃত্ত n. (astr.) a prime vertical. পূর্বাপেক্ষা adv. than before. পূর্বাবধি adv. from before; since the beginning. পূর্বাবস্হা n. the former or previous or past state or condition. পূর্বাভাষ n. a presage; (dero.) a foreboding; a preface, a foreword; forecast (আবহাওয়ার পূর্বাভাষ). পূর্বাভাষ দেওয়া v. to presage; (dero.) to forebode. পূর্বাভ্যাস n. a previous or former habit or practice. পূর্বার্ধ n. the first half; the eastern half; (geog.) the eastern hemisphere. পূর্বাশা n. the east. পূর্বাষাঢ়া n. (astrol.) the twentieth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. পূর্বাহ্ন n. the first part or quarter of the day-time; (loos.) the forenoon. পূর্বাহ্নিক a. of the first part or quarter of the daytime; to be done during the first part or quarter of the daytime. পূর্বিতা n. priority, precedence. পূর্বে adv. formerly, previously, before; in the past; in the front; in the east. পূর্বোক্ত a. aforesaid; mentioned before or above. পূর্বোক্তি n. a previous statement; a prefatory remark or utterance. পূর্বোত্তর n. the north-east. পূর্বোদ্ধৃত a. quoted before or above. 109)
(p. 713) bakābaki a debate; an alteration; a scolding. বকাবকি করা v. to debate, to argue; to altercate, to bandy words; to scold; to chide. 41)
(p. 756) bitanḍā unnecessary argument; sophistical debate; (phil.) sophistry. 30)
(p. 756) bitarka deliberation; a debate; argument, reasoning; wrangling, a dispute; doubt. ̃ণীয় a. debatable; arguable; disputable. বিতর্কিকা n. a debate; a debating forum. বিতর্কিত a. deliberated upon; debated; argued, reasoned; disputed; doubted. 35)
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