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(তার দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 102) āguna fire. আগুন ধরা বা লাগা v. to take or catch fire. আগুন ধরানো বা লাগানো v. to set fire to. আগুন হওয়া v. to become inflamed; (fig.) to be heated or enraged. কপালে আগুন (fig.) extremely unfortunate, wretched; extremely scarce (মাছের কপালে আগুন). পেটে আগুন intolerable hunger. (তার) মুখে আগুন (in imprecation) may the Devil take (him). রেগে আগুন burning with rage, in a towering rage, furiously angry. 3)
(p. 147) uṭhānō to cause to ascend or climb; to lift; to heave, to haul up; to pick up; to raise; to cause to mount or ride; to extract or cause to be extracted (দাঁত উঠানো); to pluck or cause to be plucked; to promote (ক্লাসে উঠানো); to build or construct; to remove (রং উঠানো); to collect (চাঁদা উঠানো); to cause to enter (কানে উঠানো); to abolish (পূজাপাট উঠানো); to close down (দোকান উঠানো); to bring to an end (আড্ডা উঠানো); to include (তালিকায় উঠানো); to mention (নাম উঠানো); to evict, to eject (প্রজা বা ভাড়াটে উঠানো). 9)
(p. 194) kathā a word or words spoken; a saying; an utterance; a statement; mode of speaking, pronunciation (তার কথা আড়ষ্ঠ); voice (তার কথা শুনতে পেলাম); a dialect (বর্ধমানের কথা); a tale, a story; a chronicle or history (ভারত-কথা); news (গ্রামের কথা); a word (সে নিজের কথা রাখে); an opinion (এ বিষয়ে আমার কথা হল যে); professional narration of scriptural and mythological stories (জমিদার বাড়িতে কথা হবে); a topic, a discourse (এ কথার অবতারণা); conversation; speaking terms (তার সঙ্গে আমার কথা নেই); consultation, discussion (ডাক্তারের সঙ্গে কথা হয়েছে); counsel, advice; instigation; comparison (তার সঙ্গে কার কথা); an incident, an affair (যে সে কথা নয়); a request (সে আমার কথা রেখেছে); order, direction (ছেলেটা কথা শোনে না); necessity, need, compulsion (এ কাজ করতেই হবে, এমন কথা আছে?); plea (ভুল হলে কোনো কথা শুনব না); a proverb (কথায় বলে). কথা কওয়া v. to speak; to talk. কথা কাটা v. to refute; to protest. কথা দেওয়া v. to give one's word, to promise. কথা চালা v. to tell one's secrets to another; to indulge in scandal-mongering, to talk scandal, to gossip. কথা পাড়া v. to raise a topic; to propose. কথা না থাকা not to be on speaking terms with; not to be promised or decided beforehand. কথা রাখা to keep a promise; to be true to one's word. কথায় কথায় in course of conversation; incidentally during conversation, by the by, by the way; whilst talking (কথায় কথায় রাত হল). কথায় থাকা to involve oneself in. কথায় না থাকা to have nothing to do with. কথার কথা a word for word's sake; worth serious consideration (এ কি একটা কথার কথা হল ?). কথার খেলাপ breaking a promise. কথার ঝুড়ি (of a person) a chatterbox. কথার ধার sting of words. কথার নড়চড় deviation from one's promise. কথার ফের, কথার মারপ্যাঁচ a sly turn of speech; verbal trickery; jugglery of words; quibble. কথার শ্রাদ্ধ too much or unnecessary talking, words and words. ̃কলি n. Indian dance depicting ancient wartales. কথা কাটাকাটি n. arguments and counter-arguments; bandying of words; altercation; hot exchange. কথা কাটাকাটি করা v. to advance arguments and counter-arguments; to bandy words; to altercate; to be engaged in a hot exchange. কথা চালাচালি n. act of telling one's secrets to another; scandal-mongering; gossiping. কথা চালাচালি করা same as কথা চালা । ̃চ্ছলে same as কথাপ্রসঙ্গে । ̃ন্তর n. altercation; bandying of words; another topic; interval in course of conversation; a breach of promise. ̃প্রসঙ্গ n. conversation, talk; act of raising a topic; a topic; a context. ̃প্রসঙ্গে adv. in course of conversation; incidentally during conversation, by the way. ̃বার্তা n. conversation; a talk; a chat. ̃বার্তা বলা v. to talk; to chat. ̃মতো adv. in keeping with one's words or promise; in obedience to one's order or direction. ̃মাত্র n. mere words (having no genuine worth). ̃মাত্র সার mere words having no genuine worth, words or promises ending in smoke; false promise. ̃মুখ n. a preface. ̃রম্ভ n. the beginning of a story or conversation. ̃শিল্প n. creative literary works written in prose such as novels, stories etc. ̃শিল্পী n. an author of prose fiction, stories etc. ̃শেষ n. the end of a story or conversation. ̃সাহিত্য same as কথাশিল্প । ̃সাহিত্যিক same as কথাশিল্পী । 89)
(p. 206) karē as the result of, resulting from, caused by, due to, for (তাতে করে) করে-কর্মে নেওয়া v. to assist in the management or execution of. 18)
(p. 220) kāṭā to cut; to hew, to cleave; to chop; to carve (মাংস কাটা); to mow (ঘাস কাটা); to lop (গাছের ডাল কাটা); to trim; to pare (নখ কাটা); to amputate; to incise, to operate, to lance (ফোড়া কাটা); to bite (জিভ কাটা); to eat (পোকায় কাটা); to pen through, to strike off (লেখা কাটা, নাম কাটা); to deduct (পাওনা কাটা); to dig (পুকুর কাটা); to sink (কুয়ো কাটা); to draw (লাইন কাটা, দাগ কাটা); to write (আঁক কাটা); to write out (চেক কাটা); to paint (তিলক কাটা); to mend or sharpen (কলম বা পেনসিল কাটা); to refuse (যুক্তি কাটা); to say in retort, to protest (কথা কাটা); to construct (পথ কাটা); to compose, to recite, to cap (ছড়া কাটা); to pinch or pick (পকেট কাটা); to pass (সময় কাটা); to disperse (মেঘ কাটা); to lift (কুয়াশা কাটা); to be dispelled (ভয় কাটা); to make a slip in (তাল কাটা, সুর কাটা); to be sold, to sell, to be in demand (বাজারে মাল কাটা); to be in the act of doing, to do (সাঁতার কাটা). a. cut; hewn, cleft, cloven; chopped; carved; moved, mown; lopped; amputated; incised, operated, lanced; eaten; penned through, struck off; mended, sharpened; used in cutting or chopping (পেনসিল-কাটা ছুরি, মাংস-কাটা ছুরি). n. cutting; hewing; cleaving; chopping; carving; mowing; lopping; trimming; paring; amputation; incision, operation; a mark of cutting or incision or operation; biting; eating; penning through, striking off; deduction; digging; sinking; drawing; writing, writing out; painting; mending or sharpening কথা কাটা v. to answer in retaliation, to retort. কাটা কাপড় textile fabrics for making garments, piecegoods. কাটা ঘায়ে নুনের ছিটা দেওয়া to add insult to injury. ঘাস কাটা v. to mow grass; (sarcas.) (to be able) to do nothing. ছড়া কাটা v. to cap or recite a rhyme. জিভ কাটা v. to show the tip of one's tongue and press it with the teeth, to bite one's tongue (as a mark of bashfulness or in apology.) ট্রেনেকাটা a. run-over by a railway train. ফাঁড়া কাটা v. to avoid or escape a possible or impending calamity. ফুট কাটা v. to let fall in drops; (pop.) to interpose, to chip in. ফোঁড়া কাটা v. to let fall in drops; to put a holy mark between the eyebrows or on the forehead; (pop.) to interpose, to chip in. ভারে কাটা v. to pull one's weight. সাঁতার কাটা v. to swim. সিঁথি কাটা v. to part hair. সিঁধ কাটা v. to break stealthily into a mud house, to burgle; to crack a crib. সুতো কাটা v. to spin. 26)
(p. 240) kuṇḍa a hole, a cavity (নাভিকুণ্ড, হোমকুণ্ড); a tank or lake or basin etc. (সীতাকুণ্ড); a round and shallow receptacle (তাম্রকুণ্ড). 33)
(p. 243) kula3 family; a clan; lineage, pedigree; good pedigree or lineage, a kulin (কুলীন) family (সে কুলের ছেলে); purity of blood; dignity of one's family, family prestige, aristocracy, high or noble birth (কুলগর্ব); descendants, line (তার কুল আজও টিকে আছে); one's own house or family or society (কুলত্যাগ); family religion or cult; residence (গুরুকুল); a race, a tribe (রক্ষঃকুল); a species or kind or class (নরকুল); a collection, a herd, a flock, a swarm (শিবাকুল). কুল করা v. to enter into a matrimonial alliance with a kulin (কুলীন) family. কুল মজানো v. (fig.) to bring disgrace upon one's family. কুল রাখি কি শ্যাম রাখি (fig.) on the horns of a dilemma. কুলে কালি দেওয়া (fig.) to bring disgrace upon one's (own) family, to tarnish the good name of one's (own) family. কুলের বার হওয়া same as কুলত্যাগ করা । একুল-ওকুল দুকুল খাওয়া বা হারানো (lit.—of a married woman) to lose shelter and support of both one's husband and parents; (fig.) to reject one alternative and lose the other; to be utterly ruined, to leave one's friends and be ill-treated by one's foes. ̃কণ্টক n. one who is a disgrace to or a pest of one's family. ̃কন্যা n. a girl born of a high (kulin) family. ̃কর্ম same as কুলক্রিয়া । ̃কলঙ্ক n. one who is a disgrace to his family. fem. কুলকলঙ্কিনী । ̃কলঙ্কী a. masc. bringing disgrace on one's family. ̃কামিনী n. a wife of a good family; a girl born of a good family; (loos.) a family woman (esp. one living in a zenana.) ̃কুণ্ডলিনী same as কুণ্ডলিনী । ̃ক্রিয়া, ̃কার্য n. traditional customs and practices of a family or befitting a family; act of entering into a matrimonial alliance with a kulin (কুলীন) family. ̃ক্ষয় n. destruction or decay of a family or line. ̃ক্ষয়কর a. causing decay or destruction of a family or line. ̃গত a. pertaining to a family. ̃গরিমা, ̃গর্ব n. dignity of a family, family prestige; pride of birth. ̃গুরু n. a family preceptor; the hereditary religious guide of a family. ̃গৌরব same as কুলগরিমা । ̃ঘ্ন a. destroying a family, causing destruction of a family. ̃চ্যুত a. expelled from one's family, interdicted, ostracized; one who has lost his family prestige or status. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born of a good family; born of a kulin (কুলীন) family. ̃জি n. a (descriptive) genealogy (often composed in verse). ̃জিনামা n. a genealogical table. ̃জ্ঞ a. acquainted with the genealogy of a family. n. a herald. ̃জ্ঞতা n. knowledge of heraldic lore. ̃টা n. a woman who has brought disgrace upon her family (usu. by leaving it for good); a woman of bad moral character. a. of or like such a woman. কুলটার স্বামী the husband of such a woman, (cp.) a cuckold. ̃তিলক n. (one who is) the glory or pride of one's family. a. glorifying one's family. ̃ত্যাগ n. (of women) leaving one's home for good for immoral purposes; (of men) abandoning one's family, giving up the customs and practices of one's family. কুলত্যাগ করা v. (of women) to leave one's home for good for immoral purposes or to elope with her paramour; (of men) to abandon one's family, to repudiate the customs and practices of one's family. ̃ত্যাগী a. masc. one who has abandoned one's family or has repudiated the customs and practices of one's family. ̃ত্যাগিনী a. fem. one who has left her home for good for immoral purposes or eloped with one's paramour. ̃দূষক, ̃দূষণ a. bringing disgrace upon one's family. n. (one who is) the disgrace to one's family. ̃দেবতা n. the hereditary or tutelary or guardian deity of a family. ̃ধর্ম n. the traditional customs and practices of a family. ̃নারী same as কুলকামিনী । ̃নাশন same as কুলঘ্ন । ̃নাশা a. bringing disgrace upon one's family. ̃নিন্দা n. family scandal. ̃পঞ্জি, ̃পঞ্জী same as কুলজি । ̃পতি n. the headman or chief of a clan; a patriarch; an arch-sage. ̃পাংশুলা n. an unchaste woman; a woman who is a disgrace to the family. ̃পুরোহিত n. a family priest. ̃প্রথা n. a family custom or practice. ̃প্রদীপ n. (fig.) one who glorifies one's family. ̃বতী, ̃বধূ n. a virtuous wife; (loos.) a family woman (esp. one living in a zenana). ̃বালা same as কুলকামিনী । ̃ভঙ্গ n. loss of one's family prestige or status (esp. due to matrimonial alliance with a family of inferior prestige or status). ̃ভূষণ, ̃মণি n. one who glorifies one's family, the ornament of one's family. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as কুলচ্যুত । ̃মজানে a. bringing disgrace upon a family. ̃মর্যাদা n. the dignity of a family, family prestige; the heraldic sign or mark of a family. ̃মান n. the dignity of a family, family prestige. ̃লক্ষণ n. any of the nine good qualities of a kulin (কুলীন) namely; (1) observance of rites, (2) politeness, (3) education, (4) good or reputable social position, (5) pilgrimage, (6) constancy or firm devotion, (7) honourable profession, (8) penance, and (9) benevolence or charity. ̃লক্ষ্মী n. fem. the guardian goddess of a family; the guardian goddess of fortune of a family; a housewife who brings prosperity to a family. ̃শীল n. lineage and character. ̃শীলমান n. lineage, character and dignity. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ n. the best or most distinguished person in a family or line. ̃সম্ভব a. born of a particular family; born of a good family. ̃স্ত্রী same as কুলবধূ । 68)
(p. 274) khabaradāra expressing: take care, beware, be on guard, watch out, halt for safety. খবরদারি n. caution; cautiousness; act of looking after; careful attendance; care, custody, guardianship (ছেলেটি তার খবরদারিতে আছে); management (তার খবরদারিতে সংসার চলে). 16)
(p. 277) khāṭā to toil, to labour (পরীক্ষার জন্য খাটা); to work (বাড়িতে রাজমিস্ত্রি খাটছে, এ রোগে ওষুধ খাটে না); to fit, to suit, to match, to become (হলদের পাশে কালো খাটে না, তোমার এ আচরণ খাটে না); to be laid out, to be invested in (ব্যবসায়ে বা সুধে টাকা খাটা); to come true (তার ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী খেটে গেছে); (usu. in neg.) to be of value, to be of (no) avail (পাপীর কাছে ধর্মের কথা খাটে না); to hold good (এখানে এ নিয়ম খাটে না). জেল খাটা v. to undergo a term of imprisonment, to serve a sentence. খাটা পায়খানা n. a service-latrine. ̃নো v. to cause to toil or serve or work; to supervise others at work; to lay out, to invest; to pitch (তাবু খাটানো); to hang (দেয়ালে আলনা খাটানো); to hoist, to ring up, to set (পাল খাটানো); to set (ফ্রেমের ছবি খাটানো). 23)
(p. 289) khōrāka food, provision; capacity for eating (তার খোরাক বেশি), appetite; ration of food. খোরাক-পোশাক n. food and clothing. খোরাকি n. cost of food (খোরাকি লাগে না); rations or ration-money (এ চাকরিতে খোরাকি মিলবে). 3)
(p. 296) gata departed; finished; bygone, past; last (গত সোমবার); dead (তার পিতা গত হয়েছেন); obtained, held (হস্তগত); entered, lying (রন্ধ্রগত, মনোগত). গত হওয়া v. to go by, to depart; to be finished; to pass away; to die. গতস্য শোচনা নাস্তি let bygones be bygones, it's no use crying over past things, let the dead past bury its dead. ̃কল্য, ̃কাল n. & adv. yesterday. ˜ক্লম a. refreshed. ̃চেতন a. unconscious; fainted, swooned. ̃জীব, ̃জীবন a. dead. ̃দিন, ̃দিবস n. & adv. yesterday. ˜নিদ্র a. sleepless; wakeful; awake. ̃পরশু n. & adv. (the) day before yesterday. ˜প্রাণ a. dead. ̃প্রায় a. nearly gone. ̃বত্সর n. & adv. (the) last year. ˜ব্যথ a. relieved of pain. ̃ভর্তৃকা a. fem. widowed. ̃যৌবন a. past one's prime of life, past one's youth; middleaged; aged, old. fem. ̃যৌবনা । ̃রাত্রি adv. last night. ̃শোক a. one who has conquered grief and sorrow. ̃শোচনা n. grief for the past. ̃সঙ্গ a. having no attachment to anything worldly. ̃স্পৃহ a. disinterested; apathetic. 3)
(p. 301) galā2 the throat; the neck; the Adam's apple; voice (তার গলা পাচ্ছি, গানের গলা); strength of voice (খেয়াল গাইতে হলে গলা থাকা চাই) গলা কাটা). গলা v. to cut one's throat. গলা চাপা v. to restrain one's voice; to throttle. গলা ছাড়া v. to remove restraint from one's voice (whilst singing, lamenting, calling etc.) গলা টেপা v. to throttle. গলা টিপলে দুধ বেরোয় (lit.—of a person) so young that milk comes out of the mouth when the throat is pressed; (fig.) very young or inexperienced (cp. greenhorn). গলা ধরা, গলা বসা, গলা ভাঙা v. to be hoarse. গলায় গাথাঁ same as গলায় পড়া । গলায় দড়ি (in curses) damn! hang! গলায় পড়া v. to come upon one as an undesirable burden. গলায় লাগা v. to feel an uneasy sensation or pain in the throat, to have choking in the throat preventing easy passage of food; to cause irritation or inflammation of the larynx. গলার কাঁটা a fishbone stuck in one's throat; (fig.) a bothersome burden. গলার জোর strength of voice. গলার থলি (anat.) the pouch in the gullet or the crop. গলার ব্যথা throat-pain, inflammation of the throat, throatsore, quinsy. একগলা, গলা পর্যল্ত a. reaching up to the neck, reaching up to the chin. ভারী গলা grave or deep voice. ̃কাটা a. exorbitant, cut-throat (price etc.) (গলাকাটা দাম). n. one who demands an exorbitant price (cp. a cutthroat). ̃খাঁকারি n. act of clearing one's throat noisily, act of hawking. গলাখাঁকারি দেওয়া v. to hawk. গলা খুসখুসুনি n. itching sensation in the throat. ̃গলি a. very intimate; close; matey; bosom; side by side. adv. very intimately; closely; cheek by jowl. n. close intimacy; closeness. ̃গলি করা v. to be intimate with; to make free with; to hug. গলাধঃকরণ n. act of swallowing or gulping; act of eating or drinking. গলাধঃকরণ করা v. to swallow, to gulp; to eat or drink; (fig.) to brook, to endure (অপমান গলাধঃকরণ করা). ̃ধাক্কা n. catching by the neck and driving one out. গলাধাক্কা দেওয়া v. to catch by the neck and drive one out. ̃বন্ধ n. a neckerchief; a comforter; muffler. ̃বাজি n. shouting (usu. continuous); (ridi.) oration; bragging; bullying. গলাবাজি করা v. to shout (usu. continuously); (ridi.) to deliver a lecture, to harangue; to brag; to bully. গলাবাজি করে জেতা to shout others down. গলায় গলায় a. very close, intimate, hand in glove (গলায় গলায় ভাব). adv. neck and neck, side by side; up to the throat; up to the brim; very closely, intimately. 31)
(p. 320) gōm̐ẏānō (mainly poet.) to pass or spend ('ভেবেছিনু দিন মিছে গোঁয়ালেম'); to elapse, to pass by ('মিছে খেলায় দিন গোঁয়াল'); to follow, to go after ('সকল লোক পশ্চাতে গোঁয়ায়'); to co-exist peacefully (তার সঙ্গে গোঁয়ানো শক্ত). 3)
(p. 329) ghughu the dove; (fig.) a sly and wily person (লোকটি একটি ঘুঘু); (fig.) a wily and harmful person (বাস্তু ঘুঘু); (fig.) a veteran (জেলঘুঘু) ঘুঘুর বাসা a dovecot(e); a dove's nest; (fig.) a nasty or dirty place (তার মাথাটা ঘুঘুর বাসা); a den. ঘুঘু দেখেছ, ফাঁদ দেখনি (fig.) you are after the honeycomb but have forgotten the bees. (কারও) ভিটায় ঘুঘু চরানো to raze someone's homestead to the ground; (fig.) render a person homeless or to ruin him utterly. 106)
(p. 341) cakṣu (for.) the eye; sight (তার চক্ষু খারাপ); a look or glance; attention (এদিকে তার চক্ষু নেই); covetous look or glance (আমার খাবারের দিকে চক্ষু দিয়ো না); a part of some plants and fruits out of which a new plant grows, a leaf bud (আনারসের চক্ষু). চক্ষু ওঠা v. to be affected with conjunctivitis or ophthalmia. চক্ষুকর্ণের বিবাদ ভ়ঞ্জন করা v. to be freed from doubt about what has been heard by visualizing or witnessing it. চক্ষু কাটানো v. to undergo ophthalmic surgery or an eye operation. চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া v. (fig.) to open one's eyes, to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া v. (fig.) to have one's eyes opened, to be made wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. চক্ষু টেপা v. to wink. চক্ষু ছলছল করা v. to have tears gathering in one's eyes; to be about to shed tears; to be tearful. চক্ষু দেওয়া v. to cast an evil eye (at); to cast a greedy glance (at); to envy; to have attention or care (for), to attend (to); to keep an eye on, to be watchful about; to look (at). ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease; inflammation of the eye. চক্ষু ফোটা same as চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া । চক্ষু ফোটানো same as চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া । চক্ষু বোজা, চক্ষু মোদা v. to shut one's eyes. চক্ষু রাখা v. (fig.) to keep an eye on, to be watchful about, to be vigilant. চক্ষু লাগা v. to be subject to another's evil look, to be envied. চক্ষুর পলক a wink. চক্ষুর পাতা the eyelid. চক্ষুর লোম the eyelash. ̃কোটর n. the socket of the eye. ̃গোচর a. lying or coming within the range of sight, perceptible by the eye, visible. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সক n. an eye-specialist or an ophthalmologist. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সা n. treatment of the eye. ̃তারকা, ̃তারা n. the pupil of the eye. ̃দান pop. var. of চক্ষুর্দান । ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease. ̃রুন্মীলন n. act of opening the eyes; (fig.) getting or making wise; (fig.) disillusioment. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন করা v. to open one's eyes. (fig.) to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন হওয়া v. to have one's eyes opened; (fig.) to become wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. ̃রোগ n. eye-disease. ̃র্দান n. act of investing with sight; donation of one's eye (usu. to an eye-bank for the benefit of a sightless person); the ceremony of investing an idol with sight; the act of investing an ignorant person with wisdom; (sarcas.) stealing, filching. চক্ষুর্দান করা v. (sarcas.) to have an eye or cast a glance with a view to stealing, to steal; to filch. ̃লজ্জা n. a feeling of delicacy in doing openly something undesirable or unseemly. ̃শূল n. an eyesore. ̃শ্রবা n. a snake (from the belief that it perceives sounds etc. with its eyes). ̃ষ্মত্তা n. possession of sight; possession of insight; power of perceiving truth. ̃ষ্মান a. possessing sight; possessing insight; capable of perceiving truth. fem. ̃ষ্মতী ।̃স্হির a. state of being dazed or bewildered or astounded. চক্ষুস্হির হওয়া v. to be dazed or bewildered or astounded. লোকচক্ষে in the eyes of the public. 23)
(p. 390) jamā (rare) capital or principal money; savings; (book-keeping) deposit; credit or income (জমাখরচ); revenue or the rate of revenue (বার্ষিক তিন টাকা জমা); rented land (তাঁর কাছে আমার কিছু জমা আছে). v. to be saved or accumulated (টাকা জমা); to accrue (সুদ জমা); to collect (ময়লা জমা); to gather, to assemble (লোক জমা); to settle (পলি জমা); to congeal or coagulate, to freeze (দুধ জমা, রক্ত জমা); to become attractive or captivation (আসর বা গান জমা); to be filled with crowd and enthusiasm (সভা জমা). a. accumulated, saved up; accrued; collected; settled or deposited; congealed, coagulated, frozen; that which has become attractive; filled with crowd and enthusiasm. জমা করা v. to accumulate; to amass; to cause to assemble, to collect; to deposit; (book-keeping) to credit. জমা দেওয়া v. to deposit. জমা নেওয়া v. to take as a deposit. জমার দিক (in a book of accounts) the credit side. ̃-ওয়াসিলবাকি n. an account or a statement of accounts of realized and unrealized revenue. ̃খরচ n. (book-keeping) credit and debit, income and expenditure, receipts and payment or disbursements. ̃নবিশ n. an accounts clerk in the receipts branch. ̃বন্দি n. a descriptive rent-roll (usu. drawn up annually). 21)
(p. 399) jānā to know, to come to know, to learn; to be cognizant of; to have knowledge (of or in); to feel, to perceive, to realize (জানছি কষ্ট হবে); to be acquainted with (তাকে জানি). a. known (জানা কথা); learnt. ̃জানি a. made public, circulated. n. circulation, publicity. জানান দেওয়া v. to announce or proclaim or notify beforehand; to announce oneself. ̃নো v. to acquaint with; to inform; to make known. 7)
(p. 423) ṭipa a fingertip; a thumb impression; a quantity taken up between the index finger and the thumb; a dotted mark with sandal paste etc. put on the forehead as a mark of sanctity (টিপ পরা); a piece of tinsel or a dotted mark with vermilion, saffron etc. put on the forehead for personal decoration; aim (তারবন্দুকের টিপ); a squeeze or pinch (তার পিঠে একটা টিপ দাও)). এক টিপ নস্যি a pinch of snuff. টিপ দেওয়া v. to squeeze, to pinch, to press with fingertips. ̃কল n. a device that may be opened and shut or operated by means of pressing. ̃বোতাম n. a pair of buttons that may be fixed to one another by pressing them with fingertips, a press-button. ̃সই, ̃সহি n. thumb impression. 25)
টিপা, টেপা
(p. 423) ṭipā, ṭēpā to press; to massage; to pinch; to squeeze; to wink (চোখ টিপছে); to caution or warn furtively (তাকে টিপে দিয়ো যেন টাকা না দেয়); to place or put noiselessly or cautiously (পা টিপে চলা). a. that which is to be opened and shut or operated by means of pressing (টেপা কল). কল টেপা v. (fig.) to direct others from behind the curtain. চোখ টেপা v. to wink; to give a hint or warn by winking. নাড়ি টেপা v. to feel (one's) pulse. টিপে চলা v. (fig.) to spend cautiously. 28)
(p. 423) ṭu the sound: 'toon'; the feeblest possible noise (কোথাও টুঁ শোনা যায় না); very feeble protest (তার কথার বিরুদ্ধে কেউ টুঁ করে না). 40)
(p. 429) ṭhika fixed, settled (এখনো কিছু ঠিক হয়নি); appointed, specified (ঠিক দিনে); right (ঠিক কথা); correct (অঙ্কের ফলটা ঠিক); exact, precise (ঠিক); just (ঠিক দুদিন); proper, right (ঠিক কাজ, ঠিক লোক); in working order (ঘড়িটা ঠিক নেই); suitable, fit, fitting (এ জামা তোমার গায়ে ঠিক); corrected or cured (মেরে বা ওষুধ দিয়ে ঠিক করা); arranged (চুলটা ঠিক নেই); regarded, decided, judged, diagnosed (পাগল বলে ঠিক হওয়া). n. fixity (তারিখের ঠিক নেই); firmness (কথার ঠিক); regularity or certainty (বৃষ্টির ঠিক নেই); natural healthy state (মাথার ঠিক নেই); total, sum, addition (ঠিক দেওয়া); estimate, estimation (ঠিকে ভুল); discernment or determination (পথ বা উপায় ঠিক পাওয়া). adv. certainly, surely (ঠিক যাব); for certain (ঠিক জানি); exactly, just (ঠিক তেমনি). int. exactly, right, that's it. ঠিক করা v. to fix, to settle; to appoint, to specify; to correct or cure; to repair or regulate or adjust (ঘড়ি ঠিক করা); to set to rights; to determine or resolve (মনে মনে ঠিক করা); to regard or decide or adjudge (পাগল বলে ঠিক করা); to discern or find (পথ ঠিক করা). ঠিক দেওয়া v. to add, to tot up. ঠিক পাওয়া v. to be able to discern or find (পথ ঠিক পাওয়া). ঠিকে ভুল an error in adding; (fig.) a wrong decision; an error of judgement. ঠিক যেন (just) as if, as though, as it were. 2)
ঠুকা, ঠোক
(p. 429) ṭhukā, ṭhōka to hit esp. on the head (হাতুড়ি ঠোকা); to hammer; to drive in by hitting on the head (পেরেক ঠুকছে); to strike against, to knock, to rap (মাথা ঠোকা, গোড়ালি ঠোকা, লাঠি ঠোকা); to slap noisily (তাল ঠোকা); to beat or thrash, to scold or reprimand (লোকটাকে ঠুকে দিয়ো). n. a knock or impact; beating or thrashing, scolding or reprimanding. ঠুকাঠুকি, ঠোকাঠুকি n. repeated striking (on the head); repeated (slight) collision or quarrel; mutual bantering. 14)
(p. 432) ḍalana rubbing; massaging; act of pressing or kneading (তামাক ডলন); (rare) rolling into a thin cake; a roller for shaping thin cakes, bread etc. 20)
(p. 432) ḍalā to rub; to massage; to press or knead (তামাক ডলা). ডলাই-মলাই n. massage. ডলানো v. to cause to rub or massage or press or knead. 21)
(p. 452) tallāśa search; investigation; trace (তার তল্লাশ নেই). তল্লাশ করা v. to search; to investigate; to trace. তল্লাশি a. searching; investigating; tracing; authorizing to search or investigate; of search or investigation. n. a search. তল্লাশি পরোয়ানা a. search warrant. 15)
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